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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
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# Copyright (c) 2008-2019 OpenLP Developers #
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# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
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# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
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# GNU General Public License for more details. #
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
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Package to test the openlp.core.widgets.widgets package.
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
from openlp.core.display.screens import Screen
from openlp.core.widgets.widgets import ScreenButton, ScreenSelectionWidget
class TestSceenButton(TestCase):
def test_screen_button_initialisation(self):
Test the initialisation of the ScreenButton object
# GIVEN: A mocked screen object
screen_mock = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
screen_mock.number = 0
screen_mock.__str__.return_value = 'Mocked Screen Object'
# WHEN: initialising the ScreenButton object
instance = ScreenButton(None, screen_mock)
# THEN: The ScreenButton should have been initalised correctly with the data from the mocked screen object
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QPushButton)
assert instance.objectName() == 'screen_0_button'
assert instance.isCheckable() is True
assert instance.text() == 'Mocked Screen Object'
class TestScreenSelectionWidget(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
patched_qtimer = patch('openlp.core.widgets.widgets.QtCore.QTimer')
self.timer_mock = MagicMock(spec=QtCore.QTimer)
qtimer_mock = patched_qtimer.start()
qtimer_mock.return_value = self.timer_mock
patched_screen_selection_widget_setup_ui = patch.object(ScreenSelectionWidget, 'setup_ui')
def test_init_default_args(self):
Test the initialisation of ScreenSelectionWidget, when initialised with default arguments
# GIVEN: The ScreenSelectionWidget class
# WHEN: Initialising ScreenSelectionWidget with default arguments
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
# THEN: ScreenSelectionWidget should be an instance of QWidget and the screens attribute should be an empty list
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QWidget)
assert instance.screens == []
def test_init_with_args(self):
Test the initialisation of ScreenSelectionWidget, when initialised with the screens keyword arg set
# GIVEN: The ScreenSelectionWidget class
screens_object_mock = MagicMock()
# WHEN: Initialising ScreenSelectionWidget with the screens keyword arg set
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget(screens=screens_object_mock)
# THEN: ScreenSelectionWidget should be an instance of QWidget and the screens attribute should the mock used
assert isinstance(instance, QtWidgets.QWidget)
assert instance.screens is screens_object_mock
def test_save_screen_none(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when called with the screen arg set as None
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
# WHEN: Calling _save_screen and no screen is selected
# THEN: _save_screen should return without attempting to write to the screen object
def test_save_screen_not_display(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display_group_box is not checked.
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked group_box
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton, **{'isChecked.return_value': False})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
mocked_screen_object.is_dislpay = True
# WHEN: display_group_box isn't checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.display_group_box.isChecked.return_value = False
# THEN: _save_screen should should be set to False
assert mocked_screen_object.is_display is False
def test_save_screen_display(self):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display_group_box is checked.
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked group_box
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton, **{'isChecked.return_value': False})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: display_group_box is checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.display_group_box.isChecked.return_value = True
# THEN: _save_screen should should be set to True
assert mocked_screen_object.is_display is True
def test_save_screen_full_screen(self, mocked_q_rect):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when the display is set to full screen
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked custom_geometry_button
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton)
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: custom_geometry_button isn't checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.custom_geometry_button.isChecked.return_value = False
# THEN: _save_screen should not attempt to save a custom geometry
def test_save_screen_custom_geometry(self, mocked_q_rect):
Test ScreenSelectionWidget._save_screen when a custom geometry is set
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget, and a mocked custom_geometry_button
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
instance.display_group_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QGroupBox)
instance.custom_geometry_button = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QRadioButton)
instance.left_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 100})
instance.top_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 200})
instance.width_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 300})
instance.height_spin_box = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox, **{'value.return_value': 400})
mocked_screen_object = MagicMock(spec=Screen)
# WHEN: custom_geometry_button is checked and _save_screen is called with a mocked Screen object.
instance.custom_geometry_button.isChecked.return_value = True
# THEN: _save_screen should save the custom geometry
mocked_q_rect.assert_called_once_with(100, 200, 300, 400)
def test_setup_spin_box(self):
Test that ScreenSelectionWidget._setup_spin_box sets up the given spinbox correctly
# GIVEN: An instance of the ScreenSelectionWidget class and a mocked spin box object
instance = ScreenSelectionWidget()
spin_box_mock = MagicMock(spec=QtWidgets.QSpinBox)
# WHEN: Calling _setup_spin_box with the mocked spin box object and some sample values
instance._setup_spin_box(spin_box_mock, 0, 100, 50)
# THEN: The mocked spin box object should have been set up with the specified values