
508 lines
21 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Raoul Snyman #
# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2011 Tim Bentley, Gerald Britton, Jonathan #
# Corwin, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, Meinert Jordan, #
# Armin Köhler, Joshua Miller, Stevan Pettit, Andreas Preikschat, Mattias #
# Põldaru, Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Simon Scudder, Jeffrey Smith, #
# Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Frode Woldsund #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
import logging
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtWebKit
from openlp.core.lib import ServiceItem, expand_tags, \
build_lyrics_format_css, build_lyrics_outline_css, Receiver, \
from openlp.core.lib.theme import ThemeLevel
from openlp.core.ui import MainDisplay, ScreenList
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
VERSE = u'The Lord said to {r}Noah{/r}: \n' \
'There\'s gonna be a {su}floody{/su}, {sb}floody{/sb}\n' \
'The Lord said to {g}Noah{/g}:\n' \
'There\'s gonna be a {st}floody{/st}, {it}floody{/it}\n' \
'Get those children out of the muddy, muddy \n' \
'{r}C{/r}{b}h{/b}{bl}i{/bl}{y}l{/y}{g}d{/g}{pk}' \
'r{/pk}{o}e{/o}{pp}n{/pp} of the Lord\n'
FOOTER = [u'Arky Arky (Unknown)', u'Public Domain', u'CCLI 123456']
HTML_END = u'</div></body></html>'
class Renderer(object):
Class to pull all Renderer interactions into one place. The plugins will
call helper methods to do the rendering but this class will provide
display defense code.
"""'Renderer Loaded')
def __init__(self, imageManager, theme_manager):
Initialise the render manager.
A ImageManager instance which takes care of e. g. caching and resizing
The ThemeManager instance, used to get the current theme details.
log.debug(u'Initialisation started')
self.theme_manager = theme_manager
self.imageManager = imageManager
self.screens = ScreenList.get_instance()
self.service_theme = u''
self.theme_level = u''
self.override_background = None
self.theme_data = None
self.bg_frame = None
self.force_page = False
self.display = MainDisplay(None, self.imageManager, False)
def update_display(self):
Updates the render manager's information about the current screen.
log.debug(u'Update Display')
if self.display:
self.display = MainDisplay(None, self.imageManager, False)
self.bg_frame = None
self.theme_data = None
def set_global_theme(self, global_theme, theme_level=ThemeLevel.Global):
Set the global-level theme and the theme level.
The global-level theme to be set.
Defaults to ``ThemeLevel.Global``. The theme level, can be
``ThemeLevel.Global``, ``ThemeLevel.Service`` or
self.global_theme = global_theme
self.theme_level = theme_level
self.global_theme_data = \
self.theme_data = None
def set_service_theme(self, service_theme):
Set the service-level theme.
The service-level theme to be set.
self.service_theme = service_theme
self.theme_data = None
def set_override_theme(self, override_theme, override_levels=False):
Set the appropriate theme depending on the theme level.
Called by the service item when building a display frame
The name of the song-level theme. None means the service
item wants to use the given value.
Used to force the theme data passed in to be used.
log.debug(u'set override theme to %s', override_theme)
theme_level = self.theme_level
if override_levels:
theme_level = ThemeLevel.Song
if theme_level == ThemeLevel.Global:
theme = self.global_theme
elif theme_level == ThemeLevel.Service:
if self.service_theme == u'':
theme = self.global_theme
theme = self.service_theme
# Images have a theme of -1
if override_theme and override_theme != -1:
theme = override_theme
elif theme_level == ThemeLevel.Song or \
theme_level == ThemeLevel.Service:
if self.service_theme == u'':
theme = self.global_theme
theme = self.service_theme
theme = self.global_theme
log.debug(u'theme is now %s', theme)
# Force the theme to be the one passed in.
if override_levels:
self.theme_data = override_theme
self.theme_data = self.theme_manager.getThemeData(theme)
# if No file do not update cache
if self.theme_data.background_filename:
return self._rect, self._rect_footer
def generate_preview(self, theme_data, force_page=False):
Generate a preview of a theme.
The theme to generated a preview for.
Flag to tell message lines per page need to be generated.
log.debug(u'generate preview')
# save value for use in format_slide
self.force_page = force_page
# set the default image size for previews
# build a service item to generate preview
serviceItem = ServiceItem()
serviceItem.theme = theme_data
if self.force_page:
# make big page for theme edit dialog to get line count
serviceItem.add_from_text(u'', VERSE + VERSE + VERSE)
serviceItem.add_from_text(u'', VERSE)
serviceItem.renderer = self
serviceItem.raw_footer = FOOTER
if not self.force_page:
raw_html = serviceItem.get_rendered_frame(0)
preview = self.display.text(raw_html)
# Reset the real screen size for subsequent render requests
return preview
self.force_page = False
def format_slide(self, text, item):
Calculate how much text can fit on a slide.
The words to go on the slides.
The :class:`~openlp.core.lib.serviceitem.ServiceItem` item object.
log.debug(u'format slide')
# Add line endings after each line of text used for bibles.
line_end = u'<br>'
if item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.NoLineBreaks):
line_end = u' '
# Bibles
if item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.AllowsWordSplit):
pages = self._paginate_slide_words(text, line_end)
# Clean up line endings.
lines = self._lines_split(text)
pages = self._paginate_slide(lines, line_end)
if len(pages) > 1:
# Songs and Custom
if item.is_capable(ItemCapabilities.AllowsVirtualSplit):
# Do not forget the line breaks!
slides = text.split(u'[---]')
pages = []
for slide in slides:
lines = slide.strip(u'\n').split(u'\n')
pages.extend(self._paginate_slide(lines, line_end))
new_pages = []
for page in pages:
while page.endswith(u'<br>'):
page = page[:-4]
return new_pages
def _calculate_default(self, screen):
Calculate the default dimentions of the screen.
The screen to calculate the default of.
log.debug(u'_calculate default %s', screen)
self.width = screen.width()
self.height = screen.height()
self.screen_ratio = float(self.height) / float(self.width)
log.debug(u'calculate default %d, %d, %f',
self.width, self.height, self.screen_ratio)
# 90% is start of footer
self.footer_start = int(self.height * 0.90)
def _build_text_rectangle(self, theme):
Builds a text block using the settings in ``theme``
and the size of the display screen.height.
Note the system has a 10 pixel border round the screen
The theme to build a text block for.
main_rect = None
footer_rect = None
if not theme.font_main_override:
main_rect = QtCore.QRect(10, 0, self.width - 20, self.footer_start)
main_rect = QtCore.QRect(theme.font_main_x, theme.font_main_y,
theme.font_main_width - 1, theme.font_main_height - 1)
if not theme.font_footer_override:
footer_rect = QtCore.QRect(10, self.footer_start, self.width - 20,
self.height - self.footer_start)
footer_rect = QtCore.QRect(theme.font_footer_x,
theme.font_footer_y, theme.font_footer_width - 1,
theme.font_footer_height - 1)
self._set_text_rectangle(main_rect, footer_rect)
def _set_text_rectangle(self, rect_main, rect_footer):
Sets the rectangle within which text should be rendered.
The main text block.
The footer text block.
log.debug(u'_set_text_rectangle %s , %s' % (rect_main, rect_footer))
self._rect = rect_main
self._rect_footer = rect_footer
self.page_width = self._rect.width()
self.page_height = self._rect.height()
if self.theme_data.font_main_shadow:
self.page_width -= int(self.theme_data.font_main_shadow_size)
self.page_height -= int(self.theme_data.font_main_shadow_size)
self.web = QtWebKit.QWebView()
self.web.resize(self.page_width, self.page_height)
self.web_frame =
# Adjust width and height to account for shadow. outline done in css
self.page_shell = u'<html><head><style>' \
u'*{margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0;} '\
u'#main {position:absolute; top:0px; %s %s}</style></head><body>' \
u'<div id="main">' % \
(build_lyrics_format_css(self.theme_data, self.page_width,
self.page_height), build_lyrics_outline_css(self.theme_data))
def _paginate_slide(self, lines, line_end):
Figure out how much text can appear on a slide, using the current
theme settings.
The text to be fitted on the slide split into lines.
The text added after each line. Either ``u' '`` or ``u'<br>``.
log.debug(u'_paginate_slide - Start')
formatted = []
previous_html = u''
previous_raw = u''
separator = u'<br>'
html_lines = map(expand_tags, lines)
html = self.page_shell + separator.join(html_lines) + HTML_END
# Text too long so go to next page.
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() > self.page_height:
html_text, previous_raw = self._binary_chop(formatted,
previous_html, previous_raw, html_lines, lines, separator, u'')
previous_raw = separator.join(lines)
if previous_raw:
log.debug(u'_paginate_slide - End')
return formatted
def _paginate_slide_words(self, text, line_end):
Figure out how much text can appear on a slide, using the current
theme settings. This version is to handle text which needs to be split
into words to get it to fit.
The words to be fitted on the slide split into lines.
The text added after each line. Either ``u' '`` or ``u'<br>``. This
is needed for bibles.
log.debug(u'_paginate_slide_words - Start')
formatted = []
previous_html = u''
previous_raw = u''
lines = text.split(u'\n')
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
html_line = expand_tags(line)
html = self.page_shell + previous_html + html_line + HTML_END
# Text too long so go to next page.
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() > self.page_height:
# Check if there was a verse before the current one and append
# it, when it fits on the page.
if previous_html:
html = self.page_shell + previous_html + HTML_END
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() <= \
previous_html = u''
previous_raw = u''
html = self.page_shell + html_line + HTML_END
# Now check if the current verse will fit, if it does
# not we have to start to process the verse word by
# word.
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() <= \
previous_html = html_line + line_end
previous_raw = line + line_end
# Figure out how many words of the line will fit on screen as
# the line will not fit as a whole.
raw_words = self._words_split(line)
html_words = map(expand_tags, raw_words)
previous_html, previous_raw = self._binary_chop(
formatted, previous_html, previous_raw, html_words,
raw_words, u' ', line_end)
previous_html += html_line + line_end
previous_raw += line + line_end
log.debug(u'_paginate_slide_words - End')
return formatted
def _binary_chop(self, formatted, previous_html, previous_raw, html_list,
raw_list, separator, line_end):
This implements the binary chop algorithm for faster rendering. This
algorithm works line based (line by line) and word based (word by word).
It is assumed that this method is **only** called, when the lines/words
to be rendered do not fit as a whole.
The list to append any slides.
The html text which is know to fit on a slide, but is not yet added
to the list of slides. (unicode string)
The raw text (with display tags) which is know to fit on a slide,
but is not yet added to the list of slides. (unicode string)
The elements which do not fit on a slide and needs to be processed
using the binary chop. The text contains html.
The elements which do not fit on a slide and needs to be processed
using the binary chop. The elements can contain display tags.
The separator for the elements. For lines this is `u'<br>'`` and for
words this is u' '.
The text added after each "element line". Either ``u' '`` or
``u'<br>``. This is needed for bibles.
smallest_index = 0
highest_index = len(html_list) - 1
index = int(highest_index / 2)
while True:
html = self.page_shell + previous_html + \
separator.join(html_list[:index + 1]).strip() + HTML_END
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() > self.page_height:
# We know that it does not fit, so change/calculate the
# new index and highest_index accordingly.
highest_index = index
index = int(index - (index - smallest_index) / 2)
smallest_index = index
index = int(index + (highest_index - index) / 2)
# We found the number of words which will fit.
if smallest_index == index or highest_index == index:
index = smallest_index
formatted.append(previous_raw.rstrip(u'<br>') +
separator.join(raw_list[:index + 1]))
previous_html = u''
previous_raw = u''
# Stop here as the theme line count was requested.
if self.force_page:
Receiver.send_message(u'theme_line_count', index + 1)
# Check if the remaining elements fit on the slide.
html = self.page_shell + \
separator.join(html_list[index + 1:]).strip() + HTML_END
if self.web_frame.contentsSize().height() <= self.page_height:
previous_html = separator.join(
html_list[index + 1:]).strip() + line_end
previous_raw = separator.join(
raw_list[index + 1:]).strip() + line_end
# The remaining elements do not fit, thus reset the indexes,
# create a new list and continue.
raw_list = raw_list[index + 1:]
html_list = html_list[index + 1:]
smallest_index = 0
highest_index = len(html_list) - 1
index = int(highest_index / 2)
return previous_html, previous_raw
def _words_split(self, line):
Split the slide up by word so can wrap better
# this parse we are to be wordy
line = line.replace(u'\n', u' ')
return line.split(u' ')
def _lines_split(self, text):
Split the slide up by physical line
# this parse we do not want to use this so remove it
text = text.replace(u'\n[---]', u'')
text = text.replace(u'[---]', u'')
return text.split(u'\n')