forked from openlp/openlp
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359 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Raoul Snyman #
# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2013 Tim Bentley, Gerald Britton, Jonathan #
# Corwin, Samuel Findlay, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, #
# Meinert Jordan, Armin Köhler, Erik Lundin, Edwin Lunando, Brian T. Meyer. #
# Joshua Miller, Stevan Pettit, Andreas Preikschat, Mattias Põldaru, #
# Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Simon Scudder, Jeffrey Smith, #
# Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Dave Warnock, #
# Frode Woldsund, Martin Zibricky, Patrick Zimmermann #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
The :mod:`ui` module provides standard UI components for OpenLP.
import logging
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
from openlp.core.lib import Registry, UiStrings, build_icon, translate
from openlp.core.utils.actions import ActionList
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def add_welcome_page(parent, image):
Generate an opening welcome page for a wizard using a provided image.
A ``QWizard`` object to add the welcome page to.
A splash image for the wizard.
parent.welcome_page = QtGui.QWizardPage()
parent.welcome_page.setPixmap(QtGui.QWizard.WatermarkPixmap, QtGui.QPixmap(image))
parent.welcome_layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(parent.welcome_page)
parent.title_label = QtGui.QLabel(parent.welcome_page)
parent.information_label = QtGui.QLabel(parent.welcome_page)
def create_button_box(dialog, name, standard_buttons, custom_buttons=None):
Creates a QDialogButtonBox with the given buttons. The ``accepted()`` and ``rejected()`` signals of the button box
are connected with the dialogs ``accept()`` and ``reject()`` slots.
The parent object. This has to be a ``QDialog`` descendant.
A string which is set as object name.
A list of strings for the used buttons. It might contain: ``ok``, ``save``, ``cancel``, ``close``, and
A list of additional buttons. If a item is a instance of QtGui.QAbstractButton it is added with
QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole. Otherwhise the item has to be a tuple of a button and a ButtonRole.
if custom_buttons is None:
custom_buttons = []
buttons = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.NoButton
if u'ok' in standard_buttons:
buttons |= QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Ok
if u'save' in standard_buttons:
buttons |= QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Save
if u'cancel' in standard_buttons:
buttons |= QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel
if u'close' in standard_buttons:
buttons |= QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.Close
if u'defaults' in standard_buttons:
buttons |= QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.RestoreDefaults
button_box = QtGui.QDialogButtonBox(dialog)
for button in custom_buttons:
if isinstance(button, QtGui.QAbstractButton):
button_box.addButton(button, QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole)
return button_box
def critical_error_message_box(title=None, message=None, parent=None, question=False):
Provides a standard critical message box for errors that OpenLP displays to users.
The title for the message box.
The message to display to the user.
The parent UI element to attach the dialog to.
Should this message box question the user.
if question:
return QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(parent, UiStrings().Error, message,
QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No))
return Registry().get(u'main_window').error_message(title if title else UiStrings().Error, message)
def create_horizontal_adjusting_combo_box(parent, name):
Creates a QComboBox with adapting width for media items.
The parent widget.
A string set as object name for the combo box.
combo = QtGui.QComboBox(parent)
combo.setSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
return combo
def create_button(parent, name, **kwargs):
Return an button with the object name set and the given parameters.
A QtCore.QWidget for the buttons parent (required).
A string which is set as object name (required).
A string which can have one value out of ``delete``, ``up``, and ``down``. This decides about default values
for properties like text, icon, or tooltip.
A string for the action text.
Either a QIcon, a resource string, or a file location string for the action icon.
A string for the action tool tip.
False in case the button should be disabled.
if u'role' in kwargs:
role = kwargs.pop(u'role')
if role == u'delete':
kwargs.setdefault(u'text', UiStrings().Delete)
kwargs.setdefault(u'tooltip', translate('OpenLP.Ui', 'Delete the selected item.'))
elif role == u'up':
kwargs.setdefault(u'icon', u':/services/service_up.png')
kwargs.setdefault(u'tooltip', translate('OpenLP.Ui', 'Move selection up one position.'))
elif role == u'down':
kwargs.setdefault(u'icon', u':/services/service_down.png')
kwargs.setdefault(u'tooltip', translate('OpenLP.Ui', 'Move selection down one position.'))
log.warn(u'The role "%s" is not defined in create_push_button().', role)
if kwargs.pop(u'class', u'') == u'toolbutton':
button = QtGui.QToolButton(parent)
button = QtGui.QPushButton(parent)
if kwargs.get(u'text'):
if kwargs.get(u'icon'):
if kwargs.get(u'tooltip'):
if not kwargs.pop(u'enabled', True):
if kwargs.get(u'click'):
for key in kwargs.keys():
if key not in [u'text', u'icon', u'tooltip', u'click']:
log.warn(u'Parameter %s was not consumed in create_button().', key)
return button
def create_action(parent, name, **kwargs):
Return an action with the object name set and the given parameters.
A QtCore.QObject for the actions parent (required).
A string which is set as object name (required).
A string for the action text.
Either a QIcon, a resource string, or a file location string for the
action icon.
A string for the action tool tip.
A string for the action status tip.
A bool for the state. If ``None`` the Action is not checkable.
False in case the action should be disabled.
False in case the action should be hidden.
True in case the action will be considered a separator.
The action's data.
Capability stating if this action can have shortcuts. If ``True`` the action is added to shortcut dialog
otherwise it it not. Define your shortcut in the :class:`~openlp.core.lib.Settings` class. *Note*: When *not*
``True`` you *must not* set a shortcuts at all.
A context for the shortcut execution.
A category the action should be listed in the shortcut dialog.
A slot which is connected to the actions ``triggered()`` slot.
action = QtGui.QAction(parent)
if kwargs.get(u'text'):
if kwargs.get(u'icon'):
if kwargs.get(u'tooltip'):
if kwargs.get(u'statustip'):
if kwargs.get(u'checked') is not None:
if not kwargs.pop(u'enabled', True):
if not kwargs.pop(u'visible', True):
if kwargs.pop(u'separator', False):
if u'data' in kwargs:
if kwargs.pop(u'can_shortcuts', False):
action_list = ActionList.get_instance()
action_list.add_action(action, kwargs.pop(u'category', None))
if u'context' in kwargs:
if kwargs.get(u'triggers'):
for key in kwargs.keys():
if key not in [u'text', u'icon', u'tooltip', u'statustip', u'checked', u'can_shortcuts',
u'category', u'triggers']:
log.warn(u'Parameter %s was not consumed in create_action().', key)
return action
def create_widget_action(parent, name=u'', **kwargs):
Return a new QAction by calling ``create_action(parent, name, **kwargs)``. The shortcut context defaults to
``QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut`` and the action is added to the parents action list.
kwargs.setdefault(u'context', QtCore.Qt.WidgetShortcut)
action = create_action(parent, name, **kwargs)
return action
def set_case_insensitive_completer(cache, widget):
Sets a case insensitive text completer for a widget.
The list of items to use as suggestions.
A widget to set the completer (QComboBox or QTextEdit instance)
completer = QtGui.QCompleter(cache)
def create_valign_selection_widgets(parent):
Creates a standard label and combo box for asking users to select a vertical alignment.
The parent object. This should be a ``QWidget`` descendant.
Returns a tuple of QLabel and QComboBox.
label = QtGui.QLabel(parent)
label.setText(translate('OpenLP.Ui', '&Vertical Align:'))
combo_box = QtGui.QComboBox(parent)
combo_box.addItems([UiStrings().Top, UiStrings().Middle, UiStrings().Bottom])
return label, combo_box
def find_and_set_in_combo_box(combo_box, value_to_find):
Find a string in a combo box and set it as the selected item if present
The combo box to check for selected items
The value to find
index = combo_box.findText(value_to_find, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly)
if index == -1:
# Not Found.
index = 0