2017-08-01 21:59:41 +01:00

667 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
The :mod:`~openlp.plugins.songs.lib` module contains a number of library functions and classes used in the Songs plugin.
import logging
import os
import re
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
from openlp.core.common import AppLocation, CONTROL_CHARS, Settings
from openlp.core.lib import translate, clean_tags
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.db import Author, MediaFile, Song, Topic
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.ui import SongStrings
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WHITESPACE = re.compile(r'[\W_]+', re.UNICODE)
APOSTROPHE = re.compile('[\'`ʻ]', re.UNICODE)
# PATTERN will look for the next occurence of one of these symbols:
# \controlword - optionally preceded by \*, optionally followed by a number
# \'## - where ## is a pair of hex digits, representing a single character
# \# - where # is a single non-alpha character, representing a special symbol
# { or } - marking the beginning/end of a group
# a run of characters without any \ { } or end-of-line
PATTERN = re.compile(
r"(\\\*)?\\([a-z]{1,32})(-?\d{1,10})?[ ]?|\\'([0-9a-f]{2})|\\([^a-z*])|([{}])|[\r\n]+|([^\\{}\r\n]+)", re.I)
# RTF control words which specify a "destination" to be ignored.
DESTINATIONS = frozenset((
'aftncn', 'aftnsep', 'aftnsepc', 'annotation', 'atnauthor', 'atndate', 'atnicn', 'atnid', 'atnparent', 'atnref',
'atntime', 'atrfend', 'atrfstart', 'author', 'background', 'bkmkend', 'bkmkstart', 'blipuid', 'buptim', 'category',
'colorschememapping', 'colortbl', 'comment', 'company', 'creatim', 'datafield', 'datastore', 'defchp', 'defpap',
'do', 'doccomm', 'docvar', 'dptxbxtext', 'ebcend', 'ebcstart', 'factoidname', 'falt', 'fchars', 'ffdeftext',
'ffentrymcr', 'ffexitmcr', 'ffformat', 'ffhelptext', 'ffl', 'ffname', 'ffstattext', 'file', 'filetbl', 'fldinst',
'fldtype', 'fname', 'fontemb', 'fontfile', 'footer', 'footerf', 'footerl', 'footerr', 'footnote', 'formfield',
'ftncn', 'ftnsep', 'ftnsepc', 'g', 'generator', 'gridtbl', 'header', 'headerf', 'headerl', 'headerr', 'hl', 'hlfr',
'hlinkbase', 'hlloc', 'hlsrc', 'hsv', 'htmltag', 'info', 'keycode', 'keywords', 'latentstyles', 'lchars',
'levelnumbers', 'leveltext', 'lfolevel', 'linkval', 'list', 'listlevel', 'listname', 'listoverride',
'listoverridetable', 'listpicture', 'liststylename', 'listtable', 'listtext', 'lsdlockedexcept', 'macc', 'maccPr',
'mailmerge', 'maln', 'malnScr', 'manager', 'margPr', 'mbar', 'mbarPr', 'mbaseJc', 'mbegChr', 'mborderBox',
'mborderBoxPr', 'mbox', 'mboxPr', 'mchr', 'mcount', 'mctrlPr', 'md', 'mdeg', 'mdegHide', 'mden', 'mdiff', 'mdPr',
'me', 'mendChr', 'meqArr', 'meqArrPr', 'mf', 'mfName', 'mfPr', 'mfunc', 'mfuncPr', 'mgroupChr', 'mgroupChrPr',
'mgrow', 'mhideBot', 'mhideLeft', 'mhideRight', 'mhideTop', 'mhtmltag', 'mlim', 'mlimloc', 'mlimlow', 'mlimlowPr',
'mlimupp', 'mlimuppPr', 'mm', 'mmaddfieldname', 'mmath', 'mmathPict', 'mmathPr', 'mmaxdist', 'mmc', 'mmcJc',
'mmconnectstr', 'mmconnectstrdata', 'mmcPr', 'mmcs', 'mmdatasource', 'mmheadersource', 'mmmailsubject', 'mmodso',
'mmodsofilter', 'mmodsofldmpdata', 'mmodsomappedname', 'mmodsoname', 'mmodsorecipdata', 'mmodsosort', 'mmodsosrc',
'mmodsotable', 'mmodsoudl', 'mmodsoudldata', 'mmodsouniquetag', 'mmPr', 'mmquery', 'mmr', 'mnary', 'mnaryPr',
'mnoBreak', 'mnum', 'mobjDist', 'moMath', 'moMathPara', 'moMathParaPr', 'mopEmu', 'mphant', 'mphantPr', 'mplcHide',
'mpos', 'mr', 'mrad', 'mradPr', 'mrPr', 'msepChr', 'mshow', 'mshp', 'msPre', 'msPrePr', 'msSub', 'msSubPr',
'msSubSup', 'msSubSupPr', 'msSup', 'msSupPr', 'mstrikeBLTR', 'mstrikeH', 'mstrikeTLBR', 'mstrikeV', 'msub',
'msubHide', 'msup', 'msupHide', 'mtransp', 'mtype', 'mvertJc', 'mvfmf', 'mvfml', 'mvtof', 'mvtol', 'mzeroAsc',
'mzFrodesc', 'mzeroWid', 'nesttableprops', 'nextfile', 'nonesttables', 'objalias', 'objclass', 'objdata', 'object',
'objname', 'objsect', 'objtime', 'oldcprops', 'oldpprops', 'oldsprops', 'oldtprops', 'oleclsid', 'operator',
'panose', 'password', 'passwordhash', 'pgp', 'pgptbl', 'picprop', 'pict', 'pn', 'pnseclvl', 'pntext', 'pntxta',
'pntxtb', 'printim', 'private', 'propname', 'protend', 'protstart', 'protusertbl', 'pxe', 'result', 'revtbl',
'revtim', 'rsidtbl', 'rxe', 'shp', 'shpgrp', 'shpinst', 'shppict', 'shprslt', 'shptxt', 'sn', 'sp', 'staticval',
'stylesheet', 'subject', 'sv', 'svb', 'tc', 'template', 'themedata', 'title', 'txe', 'ud', 'upr', 'userprops',
'wgrffmtfilter', 'windowcaption', 'writereservation', 'writereservhash', 'xe', 'xform', 'xmlattrname',
'xmlattrvalue', 'xmlclose', 'xmlname', 'xmlnstbl', 'xmlopen'
# Translation of some special characters.
'\n': '\n',
'\r': '\n',
'~': '\u00A0',
'-': '\u00AD',
'_': '\u2011',
'par': '\n',
'sect': '\n\n',
# Required page and column break.
# Would be good if we could split verse into subverses here.
'page': '\n\n',
'column': '\n\n',
# Soft breaks.
'softpage': '[---]',
'softcol': '[---]',
'line': '\n',
'tab': '\t',
'emdash': '\u2014',
'endash': '\u2013',
'emspace': '\u2003',
'enspace': '\u2002',
'qmspace': '\u2005',
'bullet': '\u2022',
'lquote': '\u2018',
'rquote': '\u2019',
'ldblquote': '\u201C',
'rdblquote': '\u201D',
'ltrmark': '\u200E',
'rtlmark': '\u200F',
'zwj': '\u200D',
'zwnj': '\u200C'
'0': 'cp1252',
'128': 'cp932',
'129': 'cp949',
'134': 'cp936',
'161': 'cp1253',
'162': 'cp1254',
'163': 'cp1258',
'177': 'cp1255',
'178': 'cp1256',
'186': 'cp1257',
'204': 'cp1251',
'222': 'cp874',
'238': 'cp1250'
class VerseType(object):
VerseType provides an enumeration for the tags that may be associated with verses in songs.
Verse = 0
Chorus = 1
Bridge = 2
PreChorus = 3
Intro = 4
Ending = 5
Other = 6
names = ['Verse', 'Chorus', 'Bridge', 'Pre-Chorus', 'Intro', 'Ending', 'Other']
tags = [name[0].lower() for name in names]
translated_names = [
translate('SongsPlugin.VerseType', 'Verse'),
translate('SongsPlugin.VerseType', 'Chorus'),
translate('SongsPlugin.VerseType', 'Bridge'),
translate('SongsPlugin.VerseType', 'Pre-Chorus'),
translate('SongsPlugin.VerseType', 'Intro'),
translate('SongsPlugin.VerseType', 'Ending'),
translate('SongsPlugin.VerseType', 'Other')]
translated_tags = [name[0].lower() for name in translated_names]
def translated_tag(verse_tag, default=Other):
Return the translated UPPERCASE tag for a given tag, used to show translated verse tags in UI
:param verse_tag: The string to return a VerseType for
:param default: Default return value if no matching tag is found
:return: A translated UPPERCASE tag
verse_tag = verse_tag[0].lower()
for num, tag in enumerate(VerseType.tags):
if verse_tag == tag:
return VerseType.translated_tags[num].upper()
if len(VerseType.names) > default:
return VerseType.translated_tags[default].upper()
return VerseType.translated_tags[VerseType.Other].upper()
def translated_name(verse_tag, default=Other):
Return the translated name for a given tag
:param verse_tag: The string to return a VerseType for
:param default: Default return value if no matching tag is found
:return: Translated name for the given tag
verse_tag = verse_tag[0].lower()
for num, tag in enumerate(VerseType.tags):
if verse_tag == tag:
return VerseType.translated_names[num]
if len(VerseType.names) > default:
return VerseType.translated_names[default]
return VerseType.translated_names[VerseType.Other]
def from_tag(verse_tag, default=Other):
Return the VerseType for a given tag
:param verse_tag: The string to return a VerseType for
:param default: Default return value if no matching tag is found (a valid VerseType or None)
:return: A VerseType of the tag
verse_tag = verse_tag[0].lower()
for num, tag in enumerate(VerseType.tags):
if verse_tag == tag:
return num
if default in range(0, len(VerseType.names)) or default is None:
return default
return VerseType.Other
def from_translated_tag(verse_tag, default=Other):
Return the VerseType for a given tag
:param verse_tag: The string to return a VerseType for
:param default: Default return value if no matching tag is found
:return: The VerseType of a translated tag
verse_tag = verse_tag[0].lower()
for num, tag in enumerate(VerseType.translated_tags):
if verse_tag == tag:
return num
if default in range(0, len(VerseType.names)) or default is None:
return default
return VerseType.Other
def from_string(verse_name, default=Other):
Return the VerseType for a given string
:param verse_name: The string to return a VerseType for
:param default: Default return value if no matching tag is found
:return: The VerseType determined from the string
verse_name = verse_name.lower()
for num, name in enumerate(VerseType.names):
if verse_name == name.lower():
return num
return default
def from_translated_string(verse_name):
Return the VerseType for a given string
:param verse_name: The string to return a VerseType for
:return: A VerseType
verse_name = verse_name.lower()
for num, translation in enumerate(VerseType.translated_names):
if verse_name == translation.lower():
return num
return None
def from_loose_input(verse_name, default=Other):
Return the VerseType for a given string
:param verse_name: The string to return a VerseType for
:param default: Default return value if no matching tag is found
:return: A VerseType
if len(verse_name) > 1:
verse_index = VerseType.from_translated_string(verse_name)
if verse_index is None:
verse_index = VerseType.from_string(verse_name, default)
elif len(verse_name) == 1:
verse_index = VerseType.from_translated_tag(verse_name, None)
if verse_index is None:
verse_index = VerseType.from_tag(verse_name, default)
return default
return verse_index
def retrieve_windows_encoding(recommendation=None):
Determines which encoding to use on an information source. The process uses both automated detection, which is
passed to this method as a recommendation, and user confirmation to return an encoding.
:param recommendation: A recommended encoding discovered programmatically for the user to confirm.
:return: A list of recommended encodings, or None
# map chardet result to compatible windows standard code page
codepage_mapping = {'IBM866': 'cp866', 'TIS-620': 'cp874', 'SHIFT_JIS': 'cp932', 'GB2312': 'cp936',
'HZ-GB-2312': 'cp936', 'EUC-KR': 'cp949', 'Big5': 'cp950', 'ISO-8859-2': 'cp1250',
'windows-1250': 'cp1250', 'windows-1251': 'cp1251', 'windows-1252': 'cp1252',
'ISO-8859-7': 'cp1253', 'windows-1253': 'cp1253', 'ISO-8859-8': 'cp1255',
'windows-1255': 'cp1255'}
if recommendation in codepage_mapping:
recommendation = codepage_mapping[recommendation]
# Show dialog for encoding selection
encodings = [
('cp1256', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Arabic (CP-1256)')),
('cp1257', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Baltic (CP-1257)')),
('cp1250', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Central European (CP-1250)')),
('cp1251', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Cyrillic (CP-1251)')),
('cp1253', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Greek (CP-1253)')),
('cp1255', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Hebrew (CP-1255)')),
('cp932', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Japanese (CP-932)')),
('cp949', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Korean (CP-949)')),
('cp936', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Simplified Chinese (CP-936)')),
('cp874', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Thai (CP-874)')),
('cp950', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Traditional Chinese (CP-950)')),
('cp1254', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Turkish (CP-1254)')),
('cp1258', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Vietnam (CP-1258)')),
('cp1252', translate('SongsPlugin', 'Western European (CP-1252)'))
recommended_index = -1
if recommendation:
for index, encoding in enumerate(encodings):
if recommendation == encoding[0]:
recommended_index = index
if recommended_index > -1:
choice = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getItem(
translate('SongsPlugin', 'Character Encoding'),
translate('SongsPlugin', 'The codepage setting is responsible\n'
'for the correct character representation.\n'
'Usually you are fine with the preselected choice.'),
[pair[1] for pair in encodings], recommended_index, False)
choice = QtWidgets.QInputDialog.getItem(
translate('SongsPlugin', 'Character Encoding'),
translate('SongsPlugin', 'Please choose the character encoding.\n'
'The encoding is responsible for the correct character representation.'),
[pair[1] for pair in encodings], 0, False)
if not choice[1]:
return None
return next(filter(lambda item: item[1] == choice[0], encodings))[0]
def clean_string(string):
Strips punctuation from the passed string to assist searching.
:param string: The string to clean
:return: A clean string
return WHITESPACE.sub(' ', APOSTROPHE.sub('', string)).lower()
def clean_title(title):
Cleans the song title by removing Unicode control chars groups C0 & C1, as well as any trailing spaces.
:param title: The song title to clean
:return: A clean title
return CONTROL_CHARS.sub('', title).rstrip()
def clean_song(manager, song):
Cleans the search title, rebuilds the search lyrics, adds a default author if the song does not have one and other
clean ups. This should always called when a new song is added or changed.
:param manager: The song database manager object.
:param song: The song object.
from .openlyricsxml import SongXML
if song.title:
song.title = clean_title(song.title)
song.title = ''
if song.alternate_title:
song.alternate_title = clean_title(song.alternate_title)
song.alternate_title = ''
song.search_title = clean_string(song.title) + '@' + clean_string(song.alternate_title)
if isinstance(song.lyrics, bytes):
song.lyrics = str(song.lyrics, encoding='utf8')
verses = SongXML().get_verses(song.lyrics)
song.search_lyrics = ' '.join([clean_string(clean_tags(verse[1], True)) for verse in verses])
# The song does not have any author, add one.
if not song.authors_songs:
name = SongStrings.AuthorUnknown
author = manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == name)
if author is None:
author = Author.populate(display_name=name, last_name='', first_name='')
if song.copyright:
song.copyright = CONTROL_CHARS.sub('', song.copyright).strip()
def get_encoding(font, font_table, default_encoding, failed=False):
Finds an encoding to use. Asks user, if necessary.
:param font: The number of currently active font.
:param font_table: Dictionary of fonts and respective encodings.
:param default_encoding: The default encoding to use when font_table is empty or no font is used.
:param failed: A boolean indicating whether the previous encoding didn't work.
encoding = None
if font in font_table:
encoding = font_table[font]
if not encoding and default_encoding:
encoding = default_encoding
if not encoding or failed:
encoding = retrieve_windows_encoding()
default_encoding = encoding
font_table[font] = encoding
return encoding, default_encoding
def strip_rtf(text, default_encoding=None):
This function strips RTF control structures and returns an unicode string.
Thanks to Markus Jarderot (MizardX) for this code, used by permission.
:param text: RTF-encoded text, a string.
:param default_encoding: Default encoding to use when no encoding is specified.
:return: A tuple ``(text, encoding)`` where ``text`` is the clean text and ``encoding`` is the detected encoding
# Current font is the font tag we last met.
font = ''
# Character encoding is defined inside fonttable.
# font_table could contain eg '0': u'cp1252'
font_table = {'': ''}
# Stack of things to keep track of when entering/leaving groups.
stack = []
# Whether this group (and all inside it) are "ignorable".
ignorable = False
# Number of ASCII characters to skip after an unicode character.
ucskip = 1
# Number of ASCII characters left to skip.
curskip = 0
# Output buffer.
out = []
# Encoded buffer.
ebytes = bytearray()
for match in PATTERN.finditer(text):
iinu, word, arg, hex_, char, brace, tchar = match.groups()
# \x (non-alpha character)
if char:
if char in '\\{}':
tchar = char
word = char
# Flush encoded buffer to output buffer
if ebytes and not hex_ and not tchar:
failed = False
while True:
encoding, default_encoding = get_encoding(font, font_table, default_encoding, failed=failed)
if not encoding:
return None
dbytes = ebytes.decode(encoding)
# Code 5C is a peculiar case with Windows Codepage 932
if encoding == 'cp932' and '\\' in dbytes:
dbytes = dbytes.replace('\\', '\u00A5')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
failed = True
# {}
if brace:
curskip = 0
if brace == '{':
# Push state
stack.append((ucskip, ignorable, font))
elif brace == '}' and len(stack) > 0:
# Pop state
ucskip, ignorable, font = stack.pop()
# \command
elif word:
curskip = 0
if word in DESTINATIONS:
ignorable = True
elif word in SPECIAL_CHARS:
if not ignorable:
elif word == 'uc':
ucskip = int(arg)
elif word == 'u':
c = int(arg)
if c < 0:
c += 0x10000
if not ignorable:
curskip = ucskip
elif word == 'fonttbl':
ignorable = True
elif word == 'f':
font = arg
elif word == 'ansicpg':
font_table[font] = 'cp' + arg
elif word == 'fcharset' and font not in font_table and arg in CHARSET_MAPPING:
font_table[font] = CHARSET_MAPPING[arg]
elif word == 'fldrslt':
# \* 'Ignore if not understood' marker
elif iinu:
ignorable = True
# \'xx
elif hex_:
if curskip > 0:
curskip -= 1
elif not ignorable:
ebytes.append(int(hex_, 16))
elif tchar:
if not ignorable:
ebytes += tchar.encode()
if len(ebytes) >= curskip:
ebytes = ebytes[curskip:]
curskip -= len(ebytes)
ebytes = ""
text = ''.join(out)
return text, default_encoding
def delete_song(song_id, song_plugin):
Deletes a song from the database. Media files associated to the song are removed prior to the deletion of the song.
:param song_id: The ID of the song to delete.
:param song_plugin: The song plugin instance.
save_path = ''
media_files = song_plugin.manager.get_all_objects(MediaFile, MediaFile.song_id == song_id)
for media_file in media_files:
except OSError:
log.exception('Could not remove file: {name}'.format(name=media_file.file_name))
save_path = os.path.join(str(AppLocation.get_section_data_path(, 'audio', str(song_id))
if os.path.exists(save_path):
except OSError:
log.exception('Could not remove directory: {path}'.format(path=save_path))
song_plugin.manager.delete_object(Song, song_id)
def transpose_lyrics(lyrics, transepose_value):
Transepose lyrics
:param lyrcs: The lyrics to be transposed
:param transepose_value: The value to transpose the lyrics with
:return: The transposed lyrics
# Split text by verse delimiter - both normal and optional
verse_list = re.split('(---\[.+?:.+?\]---|\[---\])', lyrics)
transposed_lyrics = ''
notation = Settings().value('songs/chord notation')
for verse in verse_list:
if verse.startswith('---[') or verse == '[---]':
transposed_lyrics += verse
transposed_lyrics += transpose_verse(verse, transepose_value, notation)
return transposed_lyrics
def transpose_verse(verse_text, transepose_value, notation):
Transepose lyrics
:param lyrcs: The lyrics to be transposed
:param transepose_value: The value to transpose the lyrics with
:return: The transposed lyrics
if '[' not in verse_text:
return verse_text
# Split the lyrics based on chord tags
lyric_list = re.split('(\[|\]|/)', verse_text)
transposed_lyrics = ''
in_tag = False
for word in lyric_list:
if not in_tag:
transposed_lyrics += word
if word == '[':
in_tag = True
if word == ']':
in_tag = False
transposed_lyrics += word
elif word == '/':
transposed_lyrics += word
# This MUST be a chord
transposed_lyrics += transpose_chord(word, transepose_value, notation)
# If still inside a chord tag something is wrong!
if in_tag:
return verse_text
return transposed_lyrics
def transpose_chord(chord, transpose_value, notation):
Transpose chord according to the notation used.
NOTE: This function has a javascript equivalent in chords.js - make sure to update both!
:param chord: The chord to transpose.
:param transpose_value: The value the chord should be transposed.
:param notation: The notation to use when transposing.
:return: The transposed chord.
# See
notes_sharp_notation = {}
notes_flat_notation = {}
notes_sharp_notation['german'] = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'H']
notes_flat_notation['german'] = ['C', 'Db', 'D', 'Eb', 'Fb', 'F', 'Gb', 'G', 'Ab', 'A', 'B', 'H']
notes_sharp_notation['english'] = ['C', 'C#', 'D', 'D#', 'E', 'F', 'F#', 'G', 'G#', 'A', 'A#', 'B']
notes_flat_notation['english'] = ['C', 'Db', 'D', 'Eb', 'Fb', 'F', 'Gb', 'G', 'Ab', 'A', 'Bb', 'B']
notes_sharp_notation['neo-latin'] = ['Do', 'Do#', 'Re', 'Re#', 'Mi', 'Fa', 'Fa#', 'Sol', 'Sol#', 'La', 'La#', 'Si']
notes_flat_notation['neo-latin'] = ['Do', 'Reb', 'Re', 'Mib', 'Fab', 'Fa', 'Solb', 'Sol', 'Lab', 'La', 'Sib', 'Si']
chord_split = chord.replace('', 'b').split('/')
transposed_chord = ''
last_chord = ''
notes_sharp = notes_sharp_notation[notation]
notes_flat = notes_flat_notation[notation]
notes_preferred = ['b', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#', '#']
for i in range(0, len(chord_split)):
if i > 0:
transposed_chord += '/'
currentchord = chord_split[i]
if currentchord and currentchord[0] == '(':
transposed_chord += '('
if len(currentchord) > 1:
currentchord = currentchord[1:]
currentchord = ''
if len(currentchord) > 0:
if len(currentchord) > 1:
if '#b'.find(currentchord[1]) == -1:
note = currentchord[0:1]
rest = currentchord[1:]
note = currentchord[0:2]
rest = currentchord[2:]
note = currentchord
rest = ''
notenumber = notes_flat.index(note) if note not in notes_sharp else notes_sharp.index(note)
notenumber += transpose_value
while notenumber > 11:
notenumber -= 12
while notenumber < 0:
notenumber += 12
if i == 0:
current_chord = notes_sharp[notenumber] if notes_preferred[notenumber] == '#' else notes_flat[
last_chord = current_chord
current_chord = notes_flat[notenumber] if last_chord not in notes_sharp else notes_sharp[notenumber]
if not (note not in notes_flat and note not in notes_sharp):
transposed_chord += current_chord + rest
transposed_chord += note + rest
return transposed_chord