Andreas Preikschat 908e048d1a head
2013-04-15 17:43:18 +02:00

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Functional tests to test the AppLocation class and related methods.
from unittest import TestCase
from mock import patch
from openlp.core.utils import clean_filename, get_filesystem_encoding, _get_frozen_path, get_locale_key, \
get_natural_key, split_filename
class TestUtils(TestCase):
A test suite to test out various methods around the AppLocation class.
def get_filesystem_encoding_test(self):
Test the get_filesystem_encoding() function
with patch(u'openlp.core.utils.sys.getfilesystemencoding') as mocked_getfilesystemencoding, \
patch(u'openlp.core.utils.sys.getdefaultencoding') as mocked_getdefaultencoding:
# GIVEN: sys.getfilesystemencoding returns "cp1252"
mocked_getfilesystemencoding.return_value = u'cp1252'
# WHEN: get_filesystem_encoding() is called
result = get_filesystem_encoding()
# THEN: getdefaultencoding should have been called
assert not mocked_getdefaultencoding.called
assert result == u'cp1252', u'The result should be "cp1252"'
# GIVEN: sys.getfilesystemencoding returns None and sys.getdefaultencoding returns "utf-8"
mocked_getfilesystemencoding.return_value = None
mocked_getdefaultencoding.return_value = u'utf-8'
# WHEN: get_filesystem_encoding() is called
result = get_filesystem_encoding()
# THEN: getdefaultencoding should have been called
assert result == u'utf-8', u'The result should be "utf-8"'
def get_frozen_path_test(self):
Test the _get_frozen_path() function
with patch(u'openlp.core.utils.sys') as mocked_sys:
# GIVEN: The sys module "without" a "frozen" attribute
mocked_sys.frozen = None
# WHEN: We call _get_frozen_path() with two parameters
# THEN: The non-frozen parameter is returned
assert _get_frozen_path(u'frozen', u'not frozen') == u'not frozen', u'Should return "not frozen"'
# GIVEN: The sys module *with* a "frozen" attribute
mocked_sys.frozen = 1
# WHEN: We call _get_frozen_path() with two parameters
# THEN: The frozen parameter is returned
assert _get_frozen_path(u'frozen', u'not frozen') == u'frozen', u'Should return "frozen"'
def split_filename_with_file_path_test(self):
Test the split_filename() function with a path to a file
# GIVEN: A path to a file.
file_path = u'/home/user/myfile.txt'
wanted_result = (u'/home/user', u'myfile.txt')
with patch(u'openlp.core.utils.os.path.isfile') as mocked_is_file:
mocked_is_file.return_value = True
# WHEN: Split the file name.
result = split_filename(file_path)
# THEN: A tuple should be returned.
assert result == wanted_result, u'A tuple with the directory and file name should have been returned.'
def split_filename_with_dir_path_test(self):
Test the split_filename() function with a path to a directory
# GIVEN: A path to a dir.
file_path = u'/home/user/mydir'
wanted_result = (u'/home/user/mydir', u'')
with patch(u'openlp.core.utils.os.path.isfile') as mocked_is_file:
mocked_is_file.return_value = False
# WHEN: Split the file name.
result = split_filename(file_path)
# THEN: A tuple should be returned.
assert result == wanted_result, \
u'A two-entry tuple with the directory and file name (empty) should have been returned.'
def clean_filename_test(self):
Test the clean_filename() function
# GIVEN: A invalid file name and the valid file name.
invalid_name = u'A_file_with_invalid_characters_[\\/:\*\?"<>\|\+\[\]%].py'
wanted_name = u''
# WHEN: Clean the name.
result = clean_filename(invalid_name)
# THEN: The file name should be cleaned.
assert result == wanted_name, u'The file name should not contain any special characters.'
def get_locale_key_test(self):
Test the get_locale_key(string) function
with patch(u'openlp.core.utils.languagemanager.LanguageManager.get_language') as mocked_get_language:
# GIVEN: The language is German
# 0x00C3 (A with diaresis) should be sorted as "A". 0x00DF (sharp s) should be sorted as "ss".
mocked_get_language.return_value = u'de'
unsorted_list = [u'Auszug', u'Aushang', u'\u00C4u\u00DFerung']
# WHEN: We sort the list and use get_locale_key() to generate the sorting keys
# THEN: We get a properly sorted list
test_passes = sorted(unsorted_list, key=get_locale_key) == [u'Aushang', u'\u00C4u\u00DFerung', u'Auszug']
assert test_passes, u'Strings should be sorted properly'
def get_natural_key_test(self):
Test the get_natural_key(string) function
with patch(u'openlp.core.utils.languagemanager.LanguageManager.get_language') as mocked_get_language:
# GIVEN: The language is English (a language, which sorts digits before letters)
mocked_get_language.return_value = u'en'
unsorted_list = [u'item 10a', u'item 3b', u'1st item']
# WHEN: We sort the list and use get_natural_key() to generate the sorting keys
# THEN: We get a properly sorted list
test_passes = sorted(unsorted_list, key=get_natural_key) == [u'1st item', u'item 3b', u'item 10a']
assert test_passes, u'Numbers should be sorted naturally'