Tim Bentley 5646183803 Fixes
2012-11-11 21:16:14 +00:00

538 lines
18 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2012 Raoul Snyman #
# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2012 Tim Bentley, Gerald Britton, Jonathan #
# Corwin, Samuel Findlay, Michael Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Matthias Hub, #
# Meinert Jordan, Armin Köhler, Erik Lundin, Edwin Lunando, Brian T. Meyer. #
# Joshua Miller, Stevan Pettit, Andreas Preikschat, Mattias Põldaru, #
# Christian Richter, Philip Ridout, Simon Scudder, Jeffrey Smith, #
# Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble, Dave Warnock, #
# Frode Woldsund, Martin Zibricky #
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
import logging
from PyQt4 import QtWebKit
from openlp.core.lib.theme import BackgroundType, BackgroundGradientType, \
VerticalType, HorizontalType
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
HTMLSRC = u"""
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>OpenLP Display</title>
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
overflow: hidden;
-webkit-user-select: none;
body {
.size {
position: absolute;
left: 0px;
top: 0px;
width: 100%%;
height: 100%%;
#black {
z-index: 8;
background-color: black;
display: none;
#bgimage {
z-index: 1;
#image {
z-index: 2;
#footer {
position: absolute;
z-index: 6;
/* lyric css */
sup {
font-size: 0.6em;
vertical-align: top;
position: relative;
top: -0.3em;
var timer = null;
var transition = %s;
function show_image(src){
var img = document.getElementById('image');
img.src = src;
if(src == '') = 'none';
else = 'block';
function show_blank(state){
var black = 'none';
var lyrics = '';
case 'theme':
lyrics = 'hidden';
case 'black':
black = 'block';
case 'desktop':
document.getElementById('black').style.display = black;
document.getElementById('lyricsmain').style.visibility = lyrics;
document.getElementById('image').style.visibility = lyrics;
outline = document.getElementById('lyricsoutline')
if(outline != null) = lyrics;
shadow = document.getElementById('lyricsshadow')
if(shadow != null) = lyrics;
document.getElementById('footer').style.visibility = lyrics;
function show_footer(footertext){
document.getElementById('footer').innerHTML = footertext;
function show_text(newtext){
var match = /-webkit-text-fill-color:[^;\"]+/gi;
if(timer != null)
QtWebkit bug with outlines and justify causing outline alignment
problems. (Bug 859950) Surround each word with a <span> to workaround,
but only in this scenario.
var txt = document.getElementById('lyricsmain');
if(window.getComputedStyle(txt).textAlign == 'justify'){
var outline = document.getElementById('lyricsoutline');
if(outline != null)
txt = outline;
if(window.getComputedStyle(txt).webkitTextStrokeWidth != '0px'){
newtext = newtext.replace(/(\s|&nbsp;)+(?![^<]*>)/g,
function(match) {
return '</span>' + match + '<span>';
newtext = '<span>' + newtext + '</span>';
text_fade('lyricsmain', newtext);
text_fade('lyricsoutline', newtext);
text_fade('lyricsshadow', newtext.replace(match, ''));
if(text_opacity() == 1) return;
timer = setTimeout(function(){
}, 100);
function text_fade(id, newtext){
Using -webkit-transition: opacity 1s linear; would have been preferred
but it isn't currently quick enough when animating multiple layers of
large areas of large text. Therefore do it manually as best we can.
Hopefully in the future we can revisit and do more interesting
transitions using -webkit-transition and -webkit-transform.
However we need to ensure interrupted transitions (quickly change 2
slides) still looks pretty and is zippy.
var text = document.getElementById(id);
if(text == null) return;
text.innerHTML = newtext;
if(newtext == text.innerHTML){ = parseFloat( + 0.3;
if( > 0.7) = 1;
} else { = parseFloat( - 0.3;
if( <= 0.1){
text.innerHTML = newtext;
function text_opacity(){
var text = document.getElementById('lyricsmain');
return getComputedStyle(text, '').opacity;
function show_text_complete(){
return (text_opacity() == 1);
<img id="bgimage" class="size" %s />
<img id="image" class="size" %s />
<div id="footer" class="footer"></div>
<div id="black" class="size"></div>
def build_html(item, screen, islive, background, image=None,
Build the full web paged structure for display
Service Item to be displayed
Current display information
Item is going live, rather than preview/theme building
Theme background image - bytes
Image media item - bytes
The List of available plugins
width = screen[u'size'].width()
height = screen[u'size'].height()
theme = item.themedata
webkitvers = webkit_version()
# Image generated and poked in
if background:
bgimage_src = u'src="data:image/png;base64,%s"' % background
elif item.bg_image_bytes:
bgimage_src = u'src="data:image/png;base64,%s"' % item.bg_image_bytes
bgimage_src = u'style="display:none;"'
if image:
image_src = u'src="data:image/png;base64,%s"' % image
image_src = u'style="display:none;"'
css_additions = u''
js_additions = u''
html_additions = u''
if plugins:
for plugin in plugins:
css_additions += plugin.getDisplayCss()
js_additions += plugin.getDisplayJavaScript()
html_additions += plugin.getDisplayHtml()
html = HTMLSRC % (build_background_css(item, width, height),
build_footer_css(item, height),
build_lyrics_css(item, webkitvers),
u'true' if theme and theme.display_slide_transition and islive \
else u'false',
bgimage_src, image_src,
build_lyrics_html(item, webkitvers))
return html
def webkit_version():
Return the Webkit version in use.
Note method added relatively recently, so return 0 if prior to this
webkitvers = float(QtWebKit.qWebKitVersion())
log.debug(u'Webkit version = %s' % webkitvers)
except AttributeError:
webkitvers = 0
return webkitvers
def build_background_css(item, width, height):
Build the background css
Service Item containing theme and location information
width = int(width) / 2
theme = item.themedata
background = u'background-color: black'
if theme:
if theme.background_type == \
background = u''
elif theme.background_type == \
background = u'background-color: %s' % theme.background_color
if theme.background_direction == BackgroundGradientType.to_string \
background = \
u'background: ' \
u'-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, ' \
'from(%s), to(%s)) fixed' % (theme.background_start_color,
elif theme.background_direction == \
BackgroundGradientType.to_string( \
background = \
u'background: ' \
u'-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, ' \
'from(%s), to(%s)) fixed' % (theme.background_start_color,
elif theme.background_direction == \
BackgroundGradientType.to_string \
background = \
u'background: ' \
u'-webkit-gradient(linear, left bottom, right top, ' \
'from(%s), to(%s)) fixed' % (theme.background_start_color,
elif theme.background_direction == \
BackgroundGradientType.to_string \
background = \
u'background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, ' \
u'right top, from(%s), to(%s)) fixed' % \
(theme.background_start_color, theme.background_end_color)
background = \
u'background: -webkit-gradient(radial, %s 50%%, 100, %s ' \
u'50%%, %s, from(%s), to(%s)) fixed' % (width, width,
width, theme.background_start_color,
return background
def build_lyrics_css(item, webkitvers):
Build the lyrics display css
Service Item containing theme and location information
The version of qtwebkit we're using
style = u"""
.lyricstable {
z-index: 5;
position: absolute;
display: table;
.lyricscell {
display: table-cell;
word-wrap: break-word;
.lyricsmain {
.lyricsoutline {
.lyricsshadow {
theme = item.themedata
lyricstable = u''
lyrics = u''
lyricsmain = u''
outline = u''
shadow = u''
if theme and item.main:
lyricstable = u'left: %spx; top: %spx;' % (item.main.x(), item.main.y())
lyrics = build_lyrics_format_css(theme, item.main.width(),
# For performance reasons we want to show as few DIV's as possible,
# especially when animating/transitions.
# However some bugs in older versions of qtwebkit mean we need to
# perform workarounds and add extra divs. Only do these when needed.
# Before 533.3 the webkit-text-fill colour wasn't displayed, only the
# stroke (outline) color. So put stroke layer underneath the main text.
# Up to 534.3 the webkit-text-stroke was sometimes out of alignment
# with the fill, or normal text. letter-spacing=1 is workaround
# Up to 534.3 the text-shadow didn't get displayed when
# webkit-text-stroke was used. So use an offset text layer underneath.
if webkitvers >= 533.3:
lyricsmain += build_lyrics_outline_css(theme)
outline = build_lyrics_outline_css(theme)
if theme.font_main_shadow:
if theme.font_main_outline and webkitvers <= 534.3:
shadow = u'padding-left: %spx; padding-top: %spx;' % \
(int(theme.font_main_shadow_size) +
(int(theme.font_main_outline_size) * 2),
shadow += build_lyrics_outline_css(theme, True)
lyricsmain += u' text-shadow: %s %spx %spx;' % \
(theme.font_main_shadow_color, theme.font_main_shadow_size,
lyrics_css = style % (lyricstable, lyrics, lyricsmain, outline, shadow)
return lyrics_css
def build_lyrics_outline_css(theme, is_shadow=False):
Build the css which controls the theme outline
Also used by renderer for splitting verses
Object containing theme information
If true, use the shadow colors instead
if theme.font_main_outline:
size = float(theme.font_main_outline_size) / 16
if is_shadow:
fill_color = theme.font_main_shadow_color
outline_color = theme.font_main_shadow_color
fill_color = theme.font_main_color
outline_color = theme.font_main_outline_color
return u' -webkit-text-stroke: %sem %s; ' \
u'-webkit-text-fill-color: %s; ' % (size, outline_color, fill_color)
return u''
def build_lyrics_format_css(theme, width, height):
Build the css which controls the theme format
Also used by renderer for splitting verses
Object containing theme information
Width of the lyrics block
Height of the lyrics block
align = HorizontalType.Names[theme.display_horizontal_align]
valign = VerticalType.Names[theme.display_vertical_align]
if theme.font_main_outline:
left_margin = int(theme.font_main_outline_size) * 2
left_margin = 0
justify = u'white-space:pre-wrap;'
# fix tag incompatibilities
if theme.display_horizontal_align == HorizontalType.Justify:
justify = u''
if theme.display_vertical_align == VerticalType.Bottom:
padding_bottom = u'0.5em'
padding_bottom = u'0'
lyrics = u'%s word-wrap: break-word; ' \
'text-align: %s; vertical-align: %s; font-family: %s; ' \
'font-size: %spt; color: %s; line-height: %d%%; margin: 0;' \
'padding: 0; padding-bottom: %s; padding-left: %spx; width: %spx;' \
'height: %spx; ' % \
(justify, align, valign, theme.font_main_name, theme.font_main_size,
theme.font_main_color, 100 + int(theme.font_main_line_adjustment),
padding_bottom, left_margin, width, height)
if theme.font_main_outline:
if webkit_version() <= 534.3:
lyrics += u' letter-spacing: 1px;'
if theme.font_main_italics:
lyrics += u' font-style:italic; '
if theme.font_main_bold:
lyrics += u' font-weight:bold; '
return lyrics
def build_lyrics_html(item, webkitvers):
Build the HTML required to show the lyrics
Service Item containing theme and location information
The version of qtwebkit we're using
# Bugs in some versions of QtWebKit mean we sometimes need additional
# divs for outline and shadow, since the CSS doesn't work.
# To support vertical alignment middle and bottom, nested div's using
# display:table/display:table-cell are required for each lyric block.
lyrics = u''
theme = item.themedata
if webkitvers <= 534.3 and theme and theme.font_main_outline:
lyrics += u'<div class="lyricstable">' \
u'<div id="lyricsshadow" style="opacity:1" ' \
u'class="lyricscell lyricsshadow"></div></div>'
if webkitvers < 533.3:
lyrics += u'<div class="lyricstable">' \
u'<div id="lyricsoutline" style="opacity:1" ' \
u'class="lyricscell lyricsoutline"></div></div>'
lyrics += u'<div class="lyricstable">' \
u'<div id="lyricsmain" style="opacity:1" ' \
u'class="lyricscell lyricsmain"></div></div>'
return lyrics
def build_footer_css(item, height):
Build the display of the item footer
Service Item to be processed.
style = u"""
left: %spx;
bottom: %spx;
width: %spx;
font-family: %s;
font-size: %spt;
color: %s;
text-align: left;
white-space: nowrap;
theme = item.themedata
if not theme or not item.footer:
return u''
bottom = height - int(item.footer.y()) - int(item.footer.height())
lyrics_html = style % (item.footer.x(), bottom,
item.footer.width(), theme.font_footer_name,
theme.font_footer_size, theme.font_footer_color)
return lyrics_html