2017-12-22 22:20:04 +00:00

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# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
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# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 OpenLP Developers #
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# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
This module contains tests for the db submodule of the Songs plugin.
import os
import shutil
from unittest import TestCase
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib.db import Song, Author, AuthorType, Book
from openlp.plugins.songs.lib import upgrade
from openlp.core.lib.db import upgrade_db
from tests.utils.constants import TEST_RESOURCES_PATH
class TestDB(TestCase):
Test the functions in the :mod:`db` module.
def setUp(self):
Setup for tests
self.tmp_folder = mkdtemp()
def tearDown(self):
Clean up after tests
# Ignore errors since windows can have problems with locked files
shutil.rmtree(self.tmp_folder, ignore_errors=True)
def test_add_author(self):
Test adding an author to a song
# GIVEN: A song and an author
song = Song()
song.authors_songs = []
author = Author()
author.first_name = "Max"
author.last_name = "Mustermann"
# WHEN: We add an author to the song
# THEN: The author should have been added with author_type=None
assert 1 == len(song.authors_songs)
assert "Max" == song.authors_songs[0].author.first_name
assert "Mustermann" == song.authors_songs[0].author.last_name
assert song.authors_songs[0].author_type is None
def test_add_author_with_type(self):
Test adding an author with a type specified to a song
# GIVEN: A song and an author
song = Song()
song.authors_songs = []
author = Author()
author.first_name = "Max"
author.last_name = "Mustermann"
# WHEN: We add an author to the song
song.add_author(author, AuthorType.Words)
# THEN: The author should have been added with author_type=None
assert 1 == len(song.authors_songs)
assert "Max" == song.authors_songs[0].author.first_name
assert "Mustermann" == song.authors_songs[0].author.last_name
assert AuthorType.Words == song.authors_songs[0].author_type
def test_remove_author(self):
Test removing an author from a song
# GIVEN: A song with an author
song = Song()
song.authors_songs = []
author = Author()
# WHEN: We remove the author
# THEN: It should have been removed
assert 0 == len(song.authors_songs)
def test_remove_author_with_type(self):
Test removing an author with a type specified from a song
# GIVEN: A song with two authors
song = Song()
song.authors_songs = []
author = Author()
song.add_author(author, AuthorType.Translation)
# WHEN: We remove the author with a certain type
song.remove_author(author, AuthorType.Translation)
# THEN: It should have been removed and the other author should still be there
assert 1 == len(song.authors_songs)
assert song.authors_songs[0].author_type is None
def test_get_author_type_from_translated_text(self):
Test getting an author type from translated text
# GIVEN: A string with an author type
author_type_name = AuthorType.Types[AuthorType.Words]
# WHEN: We call the method
author_type = AuthorType.from_translated_text(author_type_name)
# THEN: The type should be correct
assert author_type == AuthorType.Words
def test_author_get_display_name(self):
Test that the display name of an author is correct
# GIVEN: An author
author = Author()
author.display_name = "John Doe"
# WHEN: We call the get_display_name() function
display_name = author.get_display_name()
# THEN: It should return only the name
assert "John Doe" == display_name
def test_author_get_display_name_with_type_words(self):
Test that the display name of an author with a type is correct (Words)
# GIVEN: An author
author = Author()
author.display_name = "John Doe"
# WHEN: We call the get_display_name() function
display_name = author.get_display_name(AuthorType.Words)
# THEN: It should return the name with the type in brackets
assert "John Doe (Words)" == display_name
def test_author_get_display_name_with_type_translation(self):
Test that the display name of an author with a type is correct (Translation)
# GIVEN: An author
author = Author()
author.display_name = "John Doe"
# WHEN: We call the get_display_name() function
display_name = author.get_display_name(AuthorType.Translation)
# THEN: It should return the name with the type in brackets
assert "John Doe (Translation)" == display_name
def test_add_songbooks(self):
Test that adding songbooks to a song works correctly
# GIVEN: A mocked song and songbook
song = Song()
song.songbook_entries = []
songbook = Book() = "Thy Word"
# WHEN: We add two songbooks to a Song
song.add_songbook_entry(songbook, "120")
song.add_songbook_entry(songbook, "550A")
# THEN: The song should have two songbook entries
assert len(song.songbook_entries) == 2, 'There should be two Songbook entries.'
def test_upgrade_old_song_db(self):
Test that we can upgrade an old song db to the current schema
# GIVEN: An old song db
old_db_path = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, "songs", 'songs-1.9.7.sqlite')
old_db_tmp_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'songs-1.9.7.sqlite')
shutil.copyfile(old_db_path, old_db_tmp_path)
db_url = 'sqlite:///' + old_db_tmp_path
# WHEN: upgrading the db
updated_to_version, latest_version = upgrade_db(db_url, upgrade)
# THEN: the song db should have been upgraded to the latest version
assert updated_to_version == latest_version, 'The song DB should have been upgrade to the latest version'
def test_upgrade_invalid_song_db(self):
Test that we can upgrade an invalid song db to the current schema
# GIVEN: A song db with invalid version
invalid_db_path = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, "songs", 'songs-2.2-invalid.sqlite')
invalid_db_tmp_path = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, 'songs-2.2-invalid.sqlite')
shutil.copyfile(invalid_db_path, invalid_db_tmp_path)
db_url = 'sqlite:///' + invalid_db_tmp_path
# WHEN: upgrading the db
updated_to_version, latest_version = upgrade_db(db_url, upgrade)
# THEN: the song db should have been upgraded to the latest version without errors
assert updated_to_version == latest_version, 'The song DB should have been upgrade to the latest version'