Tim Bentley 6ea4893ad6 Change Year
Signed-off-by: Tim <>
2020-01-01 02:53:08 +00:00

392 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Copyright (c) 2008-2020 OpenLP Developers #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <>. #
import sys
from unittest import TestCase, skip
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
# Mock QtWebEngineWidgets
sys.modules['PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets'] = MagicMock()
from import OpenLP, parse_options
from openlp.core.common import is_win
from openlp.core.common.settings import Settings
from tests.utils.constants import RESOURCE_PATH
def test_parse_options_basic():
Test the parse options process works
# GIVEN: a a set of system arguments.
sys.argv[1:] = []
# WHEN: We we parse them to expand to options
args = parse_options()
# THEN: the following fields will have been extracted.
assert args.loglevel == 'warning', 'The log level should be set to warning'
assert args.no_error_form is False, 'The no_error_form should be set to False'
assert args.portable is False, 'The portable flag should be set to false'
assert args.rargs == [], 'The service file should be blank'
def test_parse_options_debug():
Test the parse options process works for debug only
# GIVEN: a a set of system arguments.
sys.argv[1:] = ['-l debug']
# WHEN: We we parse them to expand to options
args = parse_options()
# THEN: the following fields will have been extracted.
assert args.loglevel == ' debug', 'The log level should be set to debug'
assert args.no_error_form is False, 'The no_error_form should be set to False'
assert args.portable is False, 'The portable flag should be set to false'
assert args.rargs == [], 'The service file should be blank'
def test_parse_options_debug_and_portable():
Test the parse options process works for debug and portable
# GIVEN: a a set of system arguments.
sys.argv[1:] = ['--portable']
# WHEN: We we parse them to expand to options
args = parse_options()
# THEN: the following fields will have been extracted.
assert args.loglevel == 'warning', 'The log level should be set to warning'
assert args.no_error_form is False, 'The no_error_form should be set to False'
assert args.portable is True, 'The portable flag should be set to true'
assert args.rargs == [], 'The service file should be blank'
def test_parse_options_portable_and_portable_path():
Test the parse options process works portable and portable-path
# GIVEN: a a set of system arguments.
if is_win():
data_path = 'c:\\temp\\openlp-data'
data_path = '/tmp/openlp-data'
sys.argv[1:] = ['--portable', '--portable-path', '{datapath}'.format(datapath=data_path)]
# WHEN: We we parse them to expand to options
args = parse_options()
# THEN: the following fields will have been extracted.
assert args.loglevel == 'warning', 'The log level should be set to warning'
assert args.no_error_form is False, 'The no_error_form should be set to False'
assert args.portable is True, 'The portable flag should be set to true'
assert args.portablepath == data_path, 'The portable path should be set as expected'
assert args.rargs == [], 'The service file should be blank'
def test_parse_options_all_no_file():
Test the parse options process works with two options
# GIVEN: a a set of system arguments.
sys.argv[1:] = ['-l debug', '-p']
# WHEN: We we parse them to expand to options
args = parse_options()
# THEN: the following fields will have been extracted.
assert args.loglevel == ' debug', 'The log level should be set to debug'
assert args.no_error_form is False, 'The no_error_form should be set to False'
assert args.portable is True, 'The portable flag should be set to false'
assert args.rargs == [], 'The service file should be blank'
def test_parse_options_file():
Test the parse options process works with a file
# GIVEN: a a set of system arguments.
sys.argv[1:] = ['dummy_temp']
# WHEN: We we parse them to expand to options
args = parse_options()
# THEN: the following fields will have been extracted.
assert args.loglevel == 'warning', 'The log level should be set to warning'
assert args.no_error_form is False, 'The no_error_form should be set to False'
assert args.portable is False, 'The portable flag should be set to false'
assert args.rargs == ['dummy_temp'], 'The service file should not be blank'
def test_parse_options_file_and_debug():
Test the parse options process works with a file and the debug log level
# GIVEN: a a set of system arguments.
sys.argv[1:] = ['-l debug', 'dummy_temp']
# WHEN: We we parse them to expand to options
args = parse_options()
# THEN: the following fields will have been extracted.
assert args.loglevel == ' debug', 'The log level should be set to debug'
assert args.no_error_form is False, 'The no_error_form should be set to False'
assert args.portable is False, 'The portable flag should be set to false'
assert args.rargs == ['dummy_temp'], 'The service file should not be blank'
# Problem seems to be with the what the OpenLP object is defined.
# Running each test on its own is fine but as a block you get seg faults in strange places.
@skip('Figure out why this is causing a segfault')
class TestOpenLP(TestCase):
Test the OpenLP app class
def setUp(self):
self.qapplication_patcher = patch('')
self.mocked_qapplication = self.qapplication_patcher.start()
self.openlp = OpenLP([])
def tearDown(self):
del self.openlp
self.openlp = None
def test_exec(self):
Test the exec method
# GIVEN: An app
self.openlp.shared_memory = MagicMock()
self.mocked_qapplication.exec.return_value = False
# WHEN: exec() is called
result = self.openlp.exec()
# THEN: The right things should be called
assert self.openlp.is_event_loop_active is True
assert result is False
def test_is_already_running_not_running(self, MockedSharedMemory):
Test the is_already_running() method when OpenLP is NOT running
# GIVEN: An OpenLP app and some mocks
mocked_shared_memory = MagicMock()
mocked_shared_memory.attach.return_value = False
MockedSharedMemory.return_value = mocked_shared_memory
# WHEN: is_already_running() is called
result = self.openlp.is_already_running()
# THEN: The result should be false
assert result is False
def test_is_already_running_is_running_continue(self, MockedSharedMemory, MockedStandardButtons, mocked_critical):
Test the is_already_running() method when OpenLP IS running and the user chooses to continue
# GIVEN: An OpenLP app and some mocks
mocked_shared_memory = MagicMock()
mocked_shared_memory.attach.return_value = True
MockedSharedMemory.return_value = mocked_shared_memory
MockedStandardButtons.return_value = 0
mocked_critical.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes
# WHEN: is_already_running() is called
result = self.openlp.is_already_running()
# THEN: The result should be false
MockedStandardButtons.assert_called_once_with(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)
mocked_critical.assert_called_once_with(None, 'Error', 'OpenLP is already running. Do you wish to continue?', 0)
assert result is False
def test_is_already_running_is_running_stop(self, MockedSharedMemory, MockedStandardButtons, mocked_critical):
Test the is_already_running() method when OpenLP IS running and the user chooses to stop
# GIVEN: An OpenLP app and some mocks
mocked_shared_memory = MagicMock()
mocked_shared_memory.attach.return_value = True
MockedSharedMemory.return_value = mocked_shared_memory
MockedStandardButtons.return_value = 0
mocked_critical.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No
# WHEN: is_already_running() is called
result = self.openlp.is_already_running()
# THEN: The result should be false
MockedStandardButtons.assert_called_once_with(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes | QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)
mocked_critical.assert_called_once_with(None, 'Error', 'OpenLP is already running. Do you wish to continue?', 0)
assert result is True
def test_process_events(self):
Test that the app.process_events() method simply calls the Qt method
# GIVEN: An app
# WHEN: process_events() is called
with patch.object(self.openlp, 'processEvents') as mocked_processEvents:
# THEN: processEvents was called
def test_set_busy_cursor(self):
Test that the set_busy_cursor() method sets the cursor
# GIVEN: An app
# WHEN: set_busy_cursor() is called
with patch.object(self.openlp, 'setOverrideCursor') as mocked_setOverrideCursor, \
patch.object(self.openlp, 'processEvents') as mocked_processEvents:
# THEN: The cursor should have been set
def test_set_normal_cursor(self):
Test that the set_normal_cursor() method resets the cursor
# GIVEN: An app
# WHEN: set_normal_cursor() is called
with patch.object(self.openlp, 'restoreOverrideCursor') as mocked_restoreOverrideCursor, \
patch.object(self.openlp, 'processEvents') as mocked_processEvents:
# THEN: The cursor should have been set
def test_event(self):
Test the reimplemented event method
# GIVEN: A file path and a QEvent.
file_path = str(RESOURCE_PATH / 'church.jpg')
mocked_file_method = MagicMock(return_value=file_path)
event = QtCore.QEvent(QtCore.QEvent.FileOpen)
event.file = mocked_file_method
# WHEN: Call the vent method.
result = self.openlp.event(event)
# THEN: The path should be inserted.
assert result is True, "The method should have returned True."
assert self.openlp.args[0] == file_path, "The path should be in args."
def test_application_activate_event(self, mocked_is_macosx):
Test that clicking on the dock icon on Mac OS X restores the main window if it is minimized
# GIVEN: Mac OS X and an ApplicationActivate event
mocked_is_macosx.return_value = True
event = MagicMock()
event.type.return_value = QtCore.QEvent.ApplicationActivate
mocked_main_window = MagicMock()
self.openlp.main_window = mocked_main_window
# WHEN: The icon in the dock is clicked
result = self.openlp.event(event)
assert result is True, "The method should have returned True."
# assert self.openlp.main_window.isMinimized() is False
def test_backup_on_upgrade_first_install(self, mocked_question, mocked_get_version):
Test that we don't try to backup on a new install
# GIVEN: Mocked data version and OpenLP version which are the same
old_install = False
'full': '2.4.0-bzr000',
'version': '2.4.0',
'build': 'bzr000'
Settings().setValue('core/application version', '2.4.0')
mocked_get_version.return_value = MOCKED_VERSION
mocked_question.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No
# WHEN: We check if a backup should be created
self.openlp.backup_on_upgrade(old_install, False)
# THEN: It should not ask if we want to create a backup
assert Settings().value('core/application version') == '2.4.0', 'Version should be the same!'
assert mocked_question.call_count == 0, 'No question should have been asked!'
def test_backup_on_upgrade(self, mocked_question, mocked_get_version):
Test that we try to backup on a new install
# GIVEN: Mocked data version and OpenLP version which are different
old_install = True
'full': '2.4.0-bzr000',
'version': '2.4.0',
'build': 'bzr000'
Settings().setValue('core/application version', '2.0.5')
self.openlp.splash = MagicMock()
self.openlp.splash.isVisible.return_value = True
mocked_get_version.return_value = MOCKED_VERSION
mocked_question.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No
# WHEN: We check if a backup should be created
self.openlp.backup_on_upgrade(old_install, True)
# THEN: It should ask if we want to create a backup
assert Settings().value('core/application version') == '2.4.0', 'Version should be upgraded!'
assert mocked_question.call_count == 1, 'A question should have been asked!'