MainWindow 0 0 800 600 Ukatali 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 28 &File &Edit &Settings &Help Preview 2 0 0 0 0 0 about:blank toolBar TopToolBarArea false &New Create a new ChordPro file Ctrl+N &Open... Open an existing ChordPro file Ctrl+O &Save Save the current ChordPro file Ctrl+S Save &As... Save the current file under a new name Ctrl+Shift+S &Print Print the current ChordPro file Ctrl+P &Export... Export the current file as a different format Ctrl+E &Undo Undo the last edit Ctrl+Z &Redo Redo the last undone action Ctrl+Shift+Z Cu&t Cut the currently selected text Ctrl+X &Copy Copy the currently selected text to the clipboard Ctrl+C &Paste Paste the current clipboard text into the editor Ctrl+V &Configure... Configure Ukatali &About About Ukatali E&xit Quit Ukatali Alt+F4 QsciScintilla QFrame
QWebEngineView QWidget
exitAction triggered() MainWindow close() -1 -1 399 299