[metadata] name = ukatali author = Raoul Snyman author_email = raoul@snyman.info description = A ChordPro GUI, written in Python and Qt5 long_description = file:README.rst long_description_content_type = text/x-rst url = https://git.snyman.info/raoul/ukatali license = MIT classifiers = Development Status :: 3 - Alpha Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Operating System :: POSIX Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Topic :: Utilities keywords = music chords guitar [options] package_dir = = src packages = find: python_requires = >=3.7 setup_requires = setuptools_scm install_requires = igitar PyQt5 PyQtWebEngine QScintilla [options.packages.find] where = src [options.entry_points] console_scripts = ukatali = ukatali.app:run_ukutali [bdist_wheel] universal = 1 [pep8] exclude=resources.py,vlc.py max-line-length = 120 ignore = E402,E722,W503,W504 [flake8] exclude=resources.py,vlc.py max-line-length = 120 ignore = E402,W503,W504 [pycodestyle] exclude = resources.py,vlc.py max-line-length = 120 # Ignoring: # E402 module level import not at top of file # W503 line break before binary operator # W504 line break after binary operator ignore = E402,W503,W504