WebAppify ========= |pypi| |license| |build| WebAppify is a simple module to easily create your own desktop apps of websites. WebAppify uses PySide6 and QtWebEngine for displaying the web page, and works on Python 3.10 and up. To create your own desktop web app, import and set up the WebApp class. .. code:: python from webappify import WebApp app = WebApp('OpenStreetMap', 'https://www.openstreetmap.org', 'osm.png') app.run() This will create a window with the website, using the icon provided. .. note:: If your site needs Flash Player, you'll need the appropriate Flash Player plugin installed system-wide. Additional Options ------------------ ``can_minimize_to_tray`` '''''''''''''''''''''''' To install a system tray icon, and minimize your application to the system tray, simply pass ``can_minimize_to_tray=True`` to the class and a tray icon will be installed with the necessary menu options. .. code:: python app = WebApp('OpenStreetMap', 'https://www.openstreetmap.org', 'osm.png', can_minimize_to_tray=True) Clicking on the tray icon will show the window, while right-clicking will show the menu. .. note:: The `canMinimizeToTray` version of this option was removed in 0.6.0 .. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/WebAppify :target: https://pypi.org/project/webappify/ .. |license| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/l/WebAppify :target: https://git.snyman.info/raoul/webappify/src/branch/master/LICENSE .. |build| image:: https://ci.snyman.info/api/badges/raoul/webappify/status.svg :target: https://ci.snyman.info/raoul/webappify