2011-09-02 14:45:04 -04:00

212 lines
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.. _themes:
The *Theme Manager* is where you can set backgrounds, fonts, and colors to the
style you desire. From the theme manager you can create a new theme, Edit a
theme, Delete a theme, Import a theme, and Export a theme.
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_main.png
Creating New Themes
|theme_new| **Create a new theme:** This will bring up the *Theme Wizard*
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_wizard.png
Click :guilabel:`Next`. You have 3 choices in the drop down menu for Background
type: Solid Color, Gradient, or Image.
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_background.png
**Solid color:** Select solid color and click on the black button next to Color.
You have the option of choosing among the colors you see or entering your
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_selectcolor.png
**Gradient:** Choose the two colors, First and Second, you want to fade together
and the Gradient drop down will let you determine the directions of the fade.
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_gradient.png
**Image:** You have the ability to use an image for your background. OpenLP
accepts a variety of image types.
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_image.png
**Background color:** Choose the color that will appear on the borders if your
image is smaller than your projector display setting.
**Image:** Click |buttons_open| to find and select your image.
**Note:** When possible, try to use the same size image as your projector is
displaying unless you want a background color for a border.
When finished with your selection for background, click the :guilabel:`Next`
Main Area Font Details
This is the area where you will select and define your font characteristics for
the Display text.
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_mainfont.png
**Font:** Choose the font you would like to use from the drop down.
**Color:** Choose the color of your font.
**Size:** The size of your font determines how many lines are shown per slide.
As you change the font size, the lines per slide will change.
**Line Spacing:** This setting determines how much space you want between
lines. This setting will also change the lines per slide.
**Outline:** If you desire an outline around your font, select the Outline box,
choose your color and size of the outline.
**Shadow:** If you desire a shadow around your font, select the Shadow box and
choose your color and size of the shadow.
**Bold Display:** Select the box for Bold font
**Italic Display:** Select the box for Italic font
When you are finished selecting your font details click the :guilabel:`Next`
Footer Area Font Details
This page determines the Font, Font Color, and size of the font for the footer.
The footer is where the Title of the song, Author or Authors, Copyright and
CCLI License are displayed.
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_footerfont.png
When you are finished setting your footer font details, click :guilabel:`Next`.
Text Formatting Details
This page determines the alignment of the text on your slide and the transition
from one slide to the next.
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_textalign.png
**Horizontal Align:** the text to the Left, Right or Center of the screen.
**Vertical Align:** the text to the Top, Middle or bottom of the screen.
**Transitions:** When this box is selected, switching slides will fade out from
one and fade in to the next. When the box is not selected, slide changing will
be instant.
When you are finished setting your Text Formatting Details, click :guilabel:`Next`.
Output Area Locations
This page gives you the ability to position your Main area or Footer area to a
specific area of the screen using the x and y positions. ie: if you do not want
your footer on the bottom left, you can make the adjustment here.
You can re-size the Width and the Height of the Main Area and the Footer Area.
ie: If you have a temporary or permanent obstacle in one part of the viewing
area, you can re-size the Main or Footer area and use x and y positions to
display in a different position on the screen.
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_outputlocation.png
You can also change the Width and the Height of the Main Area of the Footer Area.
When you are finished setting your Output Area Locations, click :guilabel:`Next`.
Save and Preview
.. image:: /pics/theme_manager_save.png
**Theme Name:** Enter your theme name here.
**Preview:** The Preview shows the choices you made when setting up the previous
pages plus, shows all the edit effects possible so you can see what the impact
is on all possible font colors and characteristics.
When you are satisfied with your selections, click :guilabel:`Finish`. If you
want to make a change, use the :guilabel:`Back` button.
Editing Themes
Now that you created your theme and you display it on the projector and there is
something you don't like, you can easily *Edit* your theme either by clicking
the |theme_edit| Theme Edit Button or by right-clicking your theme and selecting
the appropriate action.
Deleting Themes
|theme_delete| Delete a selected theme or you can right-click your theme and
select :guilabel:`Delete`.
**Note:** Deleting the currently selected global theme or the
default theme is not possible.
.. _export_themes:
Exporting Themes
If you would like to transfer a theme from one computer to another, click on
the theme you want to export, click |theme_export| and choose the folder you
want to save your theme in and click :guilabel:`OK`.
.. _import_themes:
Importing Themes
To import a theme that has been previously exported, click the import button
|theme_import| and select the folder and the theme file, and click :guilabel:`OK`.
Your imported theme will be entered in the Theme Manager. *Import Theme* will
also handle version 1 Exports. You will need to check your imported theme since
many of the values will have been defaulted.
Rename Theme
If you created a theme and want to change the name of it, right-click your
theme and click Rename theme and enter the new name.
Copy Theme
Now that you created a theme with all the attributes you like, you can
right-click the theme, click on Copy theme, choose your new name and click OK.
You now have a duplicate of your first theme that you can edit the way you want.
Set as Global default
If you right-click your theme, you have the option to set the theme as Global
default. This option is covered in greater detail under :ref:`configure`.
.. These are all the image templates that are used in this page.
.. |THEME_DELETE| image:: pics/theme_delete.png
.. |THEME_EDIT| image:: pics/theme_edit.png
.. |THEME_EXPORT| image:: pics/theme_export.png
.. |THEME_IMPORT| image:: pics/theme_import.png
.. |THEME_NEW| image:: pics/theme_new.png
.. |BUTTONS_OPEN| image:: pics/buttons_open.png