2016-02-16 00:15:44 +01:00

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.. _songs:
This section describes the use of the various converters built into OpenLP for
managing and importing song files from other formats.
.. _import_songs:
Song Importer
If you are using an earlier version of OpenLP or, come from another software
package, you may be able to convert your existing database to work in OpenLP.
To access the Song Importer click :menuselection:`File --> Import --> Song`.
You will see the Song Importer window, then click :guilabel:`Next`.
.. image:: pics/songimporter.png
After choosing :guilabel:`Next` you can select from the various types of
software that OpenLP will convert songs from.
.. image:: pics/songimporterchoices.png
Click on the file folder icon to choose the file of the song database you
want to import. See the following sections for information on some of the
different formats that OpenLP will import.
Importing from OpenLyrics or OpenLP 2.0 Exported Song
OpenLyrics is an open format for song lyrics defined at `
<>`_, and is the format the OpenLP can export songs to, see
.. image:: pics/selectsongs.png
To import press :guilabel:`Add Files...` and select the OpenLyrics files.
Then press :guilabel:`Next` to import the files.
Importing from EasyWorship Song Database
OpenLP can import the song database from EasyWorship 2007 and 2009. To import
songs from EasyWorship's database you must find and select the file
:file:`Songs.DB`. You will normally find the file in
OpenLP will import all the songs it finds in the database.
Importing from OpenSong
Converting from OpenSong, you will need to locate your songs database. In the
later versions of OpenSong you are asked to define the location of this. The
songs will be located in a folder named :guilabel:`Songs`. This folder will
contain files with all your songs in them, without a file extension (
When you have located this folder you will need to select the songs from
the folder.
On most operating systems, to select all the songs, first select the first song
in the list, press the shift key, and select the last song in the list. After
this press :guilabel:`Next` and you will see that your import has been
.. image:: pics/finishedimport.png
Press :guilabel:`Finish` and OpenLP will be ready to use your songs that you
imported from OpenSong.
Importing from CCLI Song Select
To import from CCLI Song Select you must be a CCLI Subscriber and also a
subscriber of the Song Select service. For more information go to the
`CCLI website. <>`_
The first step for importing from CCLI Song Select is to log into your account.
Once you have logged in search for your desired song. For this example we will
be searching for and adding the song "Amazing Grace".
.. image:: pics/songselectsongsearch.png
You will be presented with the results of your search. Click the *LYRICS* button
and it will take you to the lyrics page displaying the lyrics and copyright
information for your song.
.. image:: pics/songselectlyrics.png
Next, hover the mouse over the :guilabel:`Download` button from the upper right
corner and choose either the .txt or .usr file.
.. image:: pics/songselectlyricsdownload.png
You will be asked to choose a download location if your browser does not
automatically select one for you. Select the downloaded file from the OpenLP
import window and then click :guilabel:`Next`. When import is finished, you will
find your song in the :ref:`g-media-manager`.
**Note:** Most operating systems allow you to select multiple songs for import
by selecting the first item in the list and then holding the :kbd:`Shift` and
selecting the last item in the list or holding the :kbd:`Ctrl` and selecting the
files individually.
.. image:: pics/finishedimport.png
Press :guilabel:`Finish` and OpenLP will be ready to use your songs imported
from CCLI SongSelect.
Importing from ZionWorx
ZionWorx (version 2.5/2.6) stores your songs in a proprietary database format
which OpenLP is unable to access directly. You will first need to convert it to
a CSV text file, which OpenLP and other tools (such as spreadsheet applications)
are able to access. This can be achieved via a free third-party utility called
"TurboDB Data Exchange".
First, locate your ZionWorx songs database. ZionWorx lets you define the
location in :menuselection:`File --> Preferences`. The database folder will
contain a collection of files such as :file:`Data.tdbd` and
Default location for ZionWorx 2.6 on Windows XP::
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\ZionWorx\2.6\Data
Default location for ZionWorx 2.6 on Windows Vista or later::
Download `TurboDB Data Exchange
<>`_ from dataWeb. The utility
will be downloaded as an archive file:
Open :file:`` and copy :file:`TdbDataX.exe` into your
ZionWorx database folder.
Press the keyboard combination :kbd:`Windows key + R` to open the
:guilabel:`Run` window.
Type :command:`cmd` and click :guilabel:`OK`.
In the command prompt window that opens, type these commands (replacing
``database-folder`` with your actual location), followed by
cd "database-folder"
tdbdatax MainTable.dat songstable.csv -fsdf -s, -qd
Right click on :file:`tdbdatax.tar.gz` and select :guilabel:`Unpack` or
:guilabel:`Extract`. Then right click on :file:`tdbdatax`, select
:guilabel:`Properties`, and make sure the :guilabel:`executable` option
is checked.
Alternatively, in the terminal::
tar xvzf tdbdatax.tar.gz
chmod u+x tdbdatax
Copy :file:`tdbdatax` into your ZionWorx database folder.
Finally, open a terminal and :command:`cd` to your ZionWorx database
folder. Type this command and press :kbd:`Enter`::
./tdbdatax MainTable.dat songstable.csv -fsdf -s, -qd
You should see some feedback indicating success, such as::
Batch move has moved 408 records.
Your ZionWorx songs database has now been converted to a CSV text file. Run the
Song Importer in OpenLP, select :guilabel:`ZionWorx (CSV)`, and locate the
:file:`songstable.csv` file you just created.
.. image:: pics/songimporter_zionworx.png
After clicking :guilabel:`Next` your import will be complete.
.. _songs_create_edit:
Creating or Editing a Song Slide
When you want to create a new song slide or, once you have a song imported, you
want to edit and rearrange the Title & Lyrics, Author, Topics & Song Book,
assign a Theme, or edit Copyright Info & Comments, you will do this through the
`Song Editor`.
To edit an existing song you can either click on a song in the
:ref:`media-manager` and then click the button to :guilabel:`Edit the selected song`
or right click a song from either the :ref:`media-manager` or additionally
from the :ref:`creating_service` and click :guilabel:`Edit item`. If you are
adding a new song click :guilabel:`Add a new Song` in the :ref:`media-manager`.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_lyrics.png
This is where you would name the song or edit a song name.
**Note:** Anything typed in the title name between these brackets <> will not be
displayed in the screen title. See *Clone* below.
**Alternate title:**
Alternate Title was for songs with two names "Lord the Light" -
"Shine Jesus Shine". You can also add a name in this box that will bring up
the song in Titles search. **Example:** You could use an alternate title of
"hymn" on all your hymn song titles for grouping. When you search "hymn"
it will show all the hymns that have "hymn" for the Alternate title.
The *Lyrics* window shows all lyrics imported or added. On the left side of
the lyrics you will see a capital letter followed by a number. A V1 would
represent verse 1, C1 would be Chorus 1. You will use these letters and
numbers for the order to display the lyrics.
**Verse Order:**
After you entered or edited your song, you will want OpenLP to display the
verses in the correct order you want them displayed. On the left side of
your lyrics you will see C1, V1, V2 etc. the way they were imported or added.
To put your lyrics in the correct order is as simple as typing in the
:guilabel:`Verse order box` at the bottom, the correct order you want them
displayed, with only a blank space in between each entry. The correct format
will look like this: V1 C1 V2 C1 V3 C1. If you forget to put a space in
between the order, or if you do not have the corresponding verse number,
OpenLP will politely tell you with a pop-up error message what is wrong so
you can correct your mistake and save it. Verse order is optional and if
left blank the verses will display in the order seen in *Lyrics*.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_verse_error.png
If you forgot to add a verse or intentionally left a verse out of your order you
will see the notification at the bottom left of the window saying "**Warning:**
Not all of the verses are in use."
.. image:: pics/song_edit_verse_in_use.png
If you have not entered a verse order, you will see a notification in the same
place saying "**Warning:** You have not entered a verse order."
OpenLP gives you the ability to clone a song. This could be useful if you
use a different version of the song with slightly different lyrics. Instead
of typing in all the lyrics again, you can clone it which makes an identical
copy of the original song.
To *Clone* a song right-click on the song you would like to duplicate and left-
click :guilabel:`Clone`.
.. image:: pics/songs_right_click.png
After you click *Clone* you will see the copy of the song with <copy> in the
**Note:** Anything typed in the title name between these brackets <> will not be
displayed in the screen title.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_copy.png
Adding or Editing the Lyrics
To Add a new verse, click on :guilabel:`Add`. The main window is where
you will type your lyrics. OpenLP is packaged with a spell checker for most
languages. If you misspell a word it will be underlined. Right click the
underlined word and left click *Spelling Suggestions* or you can ignore it
and continue typing. You also have the ability to format the font using
*Formatting Tags*. Highlight the word/words you want to format and right
click the highlight. Left click *Formatting Tags* and choose the format you
want to apply to the font and the format tags will be entered with your
lyrics. These tags are not visible when displayed. To remove the format,
delete the tag on each end of the word or sentence.
To edit an existing verse, click on the verse you wish to *Edit* then
click on :guilabel:`Edit`, make your changes and click :guilabel:`Save`.
**Edit All:**
To edit the whole song at once, click on :guilabel:`Edit All`.
To delete a verse, click on the verse you want to delete and it will
highlight, click on the :guilabel:`Delete` button and it will be deleted.
**Warning:** Once you click the :guilabel:`Delete` button, you will not be
asked again, it will be deleted immediately.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_verse_type.png
**Verse type:**
Select one of seven ways to classify your lyrics. Verse, Chorus, Bridge,
Pre-Chorus, Intro, Ending, Other.
**Optional Split:**
Inserts an optional split into the verse. An optional split is used by
OpenLP to improve splitting verses when presenting on a screen where there
is not room for the entire verse on one screen. If an optional split exists,
OpenLP will use it when splitting the verse, otherwise it will simply split
the verse when reaching the end of the screen.
If you have more than one verse, you would number them Verse 1, 2, 3 as needed.
If you find the verse has too many lines for your screen, you can edit and
shorten the verse and :guilabel:`Add` another slide.
Authors, Topics & Song Book
Once your *Title & Lyrics* are added or edited the way you want them you must
add or enter the author or authors of the song. OpenLP requires all songs to
have an author entered. You can add a blank space for the author name.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_authors.png
Click the drop down arrow to view all authors or start typing a name in the
box and a list will appear. If the authors name has not been added, type
the authors name in the box and click :guilabel:`Add to Song`. The authors
name will appear below and will also be added to your database. If you
accidentally add the wrong author you can click on the authors name and click :guilabel:`Remove`.
:guilabel:`Manage Authors, Topics, Song Books`: Clicking this button will bring
up your complete list of authors.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_maintenance.png
Clicking the :guilabel:`Add` button will bring up a box where you will
add the Authors First name, Last name and Display name. Click :guilabel:`Save`
when you are finished.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_author_maintenance.png
The :guilabel:`Edit` button will bring up window where you can edit the info
that is already there.
The :guilabel:`Delete` button will remove the author you have highlighted.
**Note:** You cannot delete an author that is assigned to a song.
Authors names are displayed in the footer.
Theme, Copyright Info & Comments
You can assign a :ref:`themes` to a song, enter the *Copyright information*
and add the *CCLI number* to the song. If you imported a song from SongSelect
this information will usually be entered.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_theme_copyright.png
Click the drop down arrow to display your list of themes or start typing a
theme name in the box and the list will appear. You can also create a new
theme by clicking the :guilabel:`New Theme` button.
**Copyright information:**
Add or edit the copyright information in this box. If you would like to use
the © symbol click :guilabel:`©` button. This information is displayed in
the footer.
**CCLI number:**
Enter the CCLI number in this box.
**Note:** This is the CCLI number of the song, not your contract number. This
number is not displayed in the footer.
You can add comments in this box. This information is not displayed in the footer.
.. _songs_linked:
Linked Audio
OpenLP gives you the ability to play an audio file or multiple audio files when
the song is displayed live.
.. image:: pics/song_edit_linked.png
**Add File(s):**
Add an audio file from a folder on your computer by clicking :guilabel:`Add File(s)`.
**Add Media:**
Add an audio file that is already in the :ref:`media-manager` by clicking
:guilabel:`Add Media`.
Click on a file you want to remove and click :guilabel:`Remove`.
**Remove All:**
Click on :guilabel:`Remove All` to remove all audio files linked to the song.
If you added multiple audio files, they will play in the order listed. You can
change their position in the order by clicking on an audio file and using the
|move_up| Move selection up one position.
|move_down| Move selection down one position.
When you are done, click :guilabel:`Save` to save your choices. You can click
:guilabel:`Cancel` at anytime if you change your mind.
|audio_pause| This button will appear in the :ref:`linked-audio` when an
audio file is being played with a song. You can stop or start the audio playing
by using this button.
.. These are all the image templates that are used in this page.
.. |MOVE_UP| image:: pics/service_up.png
.. |MOVE_DOWN| image:: pics/service_down.png
.. |AUDIO_PAUSE| image:: pics/media_playback_pause.png