2011-07-27 05:48:50 -05:00

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Display Tags

OpenLP has the ability to add additional formatting to text in songs and custom slides through the use of g-display-tags. g-display-tags provide a shortcut to use HTML and CSS to format text.

g-display-tags consist of two parts, a starting and an ending tag, each tag consists of brace, tag identifier, brace.

Using a Display Tag

To use g-display-tags surround the text with a starting tag {} followed by the text to be formatted. End the text to be formatted with an ending tag {/}.

Example of Use

To make a section of text bold you would do the following in a custom slide or song:

Amazing grace how {st}sweet{/st} the sound.

This will yield the text as:

Amazing grace how sweet the sound.

Included Display Tags

The following tags are included with OpenLP

  • {r} red text
  • {b} black text
  • {bl} blue text
  • {y} yellow text
  • {g} green text
  • {pk} pink text
  • {o} orange text
  • {pp} purple text
  • {w} white text
  • {sb} subscript text
  • {p} paragraph
  • {st} bold
  • {it} italics

Configuring Display Tags

To add new g-display-tags go to Settings -> Configure Display Tags


Click the New button to add new g-display-tags. Enter the description of the display tag followed by the tag. The tag must be unique. Tags do not need to put the in braces {} here, only when using the tag. Finally, enter in the HTML or CSS for the tag and click Save to complete adding new g-display-tags.

To delete g-display-tags that you have entered click on the display tag from the list and click Delete.

Note if a tag is deleted that is in use in a song or custom slide the slide will display the tags {} without any formatting. The deleted tags will need to be manually deleted from the songs or custom slides.