2019-06-21 14:41:13 -04:00

205 lines
4.8 KiB

OpenLP Manual Style Guide
This Style Guide will be used to clarify how the manual is formated and is
intended to keep all the pages in the manual consistent.
Page Title
Each page will begine with a link reference and a title. The link reference
should be the same as the title except that it is all in lower case with no
spaces. Titles are to be in Title Case.
.. code-block:: rst
.. _bibles:
Line Length
Each line of the document should be no longer than 120 charectors. While
the build system can wrap the text, lines longer than 120 charectors can cause
unwelcome results.
All pictures will be in the .png format and stored in the pics directory of
the manual. If the pictures is for a specific page the filename will start
with the page name and contain no spaces.
All pictures used in the page will be described at the end of the document and
image pointers will be used inside the document when an image is to be
displayed. The image deffinition uses upper case for the image title and the
in line image link uses lower case for the image title. No spaces are to be
used in the image deffinition title. The image deffinition title will start
with the page name unless the image is used across pages.
End of Page Example:
.. code-block:: rst
.. pictures used in this page
.. |DELETEICON| image:: pics/theme_delete.png
In Page Example:
.. code-block:: rst
Click on the |deleteicon| Delete Icon to delete the Bible.
On Screen Buttons
When instructing the user to use an on screen button, use the Gui label formated
to make the button stand out.
Gui Label Format :guilabel:`Next`
Menu Paths
When describing a menu path, use the menu selection format.
:menuselection:`File --> Import --> Bible`
Referance Links For Headers
All sublevel headers will have a referance link above the header.
The referance link name will start with the page title and then the sublevel
title. No spaces are allowed in the link reference.
.. code-block:: rst
.. _bibles_sublevel:
Terminal Commands
When telling the user to enter a command on the command prompt or in a terminal
window, use a double colon and 1 blank line before what the user is to type.
Add 1 blank line after the what the user is to type.
.. code-block:: rst
To convert a Bible using the command prompt in
Windows or a terminal in Linux or macOS you would type:
mod2osis biblename > biblename.osis
When entering coding use the wrap the coding inside two ` characters.
.. code-block:: rst
``<div align="left">``
Toolbar Descriptions
When describing the items in a toolbar with one line descriptions, use the
toolbar formatting.
.. code-block:: rst
|image| image description::
some description about the image.
When the toolbar items need more detail, or you are documenting a feature,
then use an inline Icon with Icon name
.. code-block:: rst
Selecting the |biblelock| Lock icon locks and unlocks the search results.
This feature can be used to combine multiple search results into one ...
End of File
Only leave upto one blank line at the end of the page.
Sentence case
The first letter of the first word is upper case, all other letters are lower case, unless the word is a proper noun.
Title case
The first letter of all words is upper case, except for secondary 2 letter words ("Go to Next Slide").
Names of Widgets
All widget names should be normal parts of sentences, e.g. "Cannot drag item from media manager to service manager."
All labels should be sentence case and end with a colon, unless the label is attached to check box or radio button: "Select theme file:"
Group Box Labels
Group box labels should be title case, without any trailing colons: "Display Options"
Menu Items
Menu items should be title case: "Go to Next Slide", "Save As"
Window/Dialog Titles
All window and dialog titles should be title case: "Open Service File"
Dialog Text
Dialog text must be full, proper sentences, with each sentence ending in a period.
Tooltips (hints)
Tooltips should be sentence case, and end with a period: "Open an existing service file."
Combo Boxes
Data in combo boxes should be in title case: "New International Version"
Check Boxes
Check boxes should have sentence case labels.
Buttons should have title case labels.