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2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2019-04-13 13:00:22 +00:00
# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
2022-02-06 09:10:17 +00:00
# Copyright (c) 2008-2022 OpenLP Developers #
2019-04-13 13:00:22 +00:00
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
# (at your option) any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
# GNU General Public License for more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
# along with this program. If not, see <>. #
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
Functional tests to test the AppLocation class and related methods.
2021-04-24 16:55:38 +00:00
import os
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from unittest import skipUnless
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, PropertyMock, call, patch
2016-04-01 17:28:40 +00:00
import pytest
from openlp.core.common import Singleton, add_actions, clean_filename, clean_button_text, de_hump, delete_file, \
extension_loader, get_file_encoding, get_filesystem_encoding, get_uno_command, get_uno_instance, is_linux, \
is_macosx, is_win, is_64bit_instance, md5_hash, normalize_str, path_to_module, qmd5_hash, sha256_file_hash, \
trace_error_handler, verify_ip_address
2021-04-24 16:55:38 +00:00
from tests.utils.constants import TEST_RESOURCES_PATH
test_non_ascii_string = '이것은 한국어 시험 문자열'
test_non_ascii_hash = 'fc00c7912976f6e9c19099b514ced201'
ip4_loopback = ''
ip4_local = ''
ip4_broadcast = ''
ip4_bad = ''
ip6_loopback = '::1'
ip6_link_local = 'fe80::223:14ff:fe99:d315'
ip6_bad = 'ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff'
def test_extension_loader_no_files_found():
Test the `extension_loader` function when no files are found
# GIVEN: A mocked `Path.glob` method which does not match any files
with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_directory',
return_value=Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp')), \
patch.object(Path, 'glob', return_value=[]), \
patch('openlp.core.common.importlib.import_module') as mocked_import_module:
# WHEN: Calling `extension_loader`
extension_loader('glob', ['', ''])
# THEN: `extension_loader` should not try to import any files
assert mocked_import_module.called is False
def test_extension_loader_files_found():
Test the `extension_loader` function when it successfully finds and loads some files
# GIVEN: A mocked `Path.glob` method which returns a list of files
with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_directory',
return_value=Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp')), \
patch.object(Path, 'glob', return_value=[
Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp', 'import_dir', ''),
Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp', 'import_dir', ''),
Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp', 'import_dir', ''),
Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp', 'import_dir', '')]), \
patch('openlp.core.common.importlib.import_module') as mocked_import_module:
# WHEN: Calling `extension_loader` with a list of files to exclude
extension_loader('glob', ['', ''])
# THEN: `extension_loader` should only try to import the files that are matched by the blob, excluding the
# files listed in the `excluded_files` argument
def test_extension_loader_import_error():
Test the `extension_loader` function when `SourceFileLoader` raises a `ImportError`
# GIVEN: A mocked `import_module` which raises an `ImportError`
with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_directory',
return_value=Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp')), \
patch.object(Path, 'glob', return_value=[
Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp', 'import_dir', '')]), \
patch('openlp.core.common.importlib.import_module', side_effect=ImportError()), \
patch('openlp.core.common.log') as mocked_logger:
# WHEN: Calling `extension_loader`
# THEN: The `ImportError` should be caught and logged
assert mocked_logger.exception.called
def test_extension_loader_os_error():
Test the `extension_loader` function when `import_module` raises a `ImportError`
# GIVEN: A mocked `SourceFileLoader` which raises an `OSError`
with patch('openlp.core.common.applocation.AppLocation.get_directory',
return_value=Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp')), \
patch.object(Path, 'glob', return_value=[
Path('/', 'app', 'dir', 'openlp', 'import_dir', '')]), \
patch('openlp.core.common.importlib.import_module', side_effect=OSError()), \
patch('openlp.core.common.log') as mocked_logger:
# WHEN: Calling `extension_loader`
# THEN: The `OSError` should be caught and logged
assert mocked_logger.exception.called
def test_de_hump_conversion():
Test the de_hump function with a class name
# GIVEN: a Class name in Camel Case
string = "MyClass"
# WHEN: we call de_hump
new_string = de_hump(string)
# THEN: the new string should be converted to python format
assert new_string == "my_class", 'The class name should have been converted'
def test_de_hump_static():
Test the de_hump function with a python string
# GIVEN: a Class name in Camel Case
string = "my_class"
# WHEN: we call de_hump
new_string = de_hump(string)
# THEN: the new string should be converted to python format
assert new_string == "my_class", 'The class name should have been preserved'
def test_path_to_module():
Test `path_to_module` when supplied with a `Path` object
# GIVEN: A `Path` object
path = Path('core', 'ui', 'media', '')
# WHEN: Calling path_to_module with the `Path` object
result = path_to_module(path)
# THEN: path_to_module should return the module name
assert result == ''
def test_trace_error_handler():
Test the trace_error_handler() method
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects
with patch('openlp.core.common.traceback') as mocked_traceback:
mocked_traceback.extract_stack.return_value = [('openlp.fake', 56, None, 'trace_error_handler_test')]
mocked_logger = MagicMock()
# WHEN: trace_error_handler() is called
# THEN: The mocked_logger.error() method should have been called with the correct parameters
'OpenLP Error trace\n File openlp.fake at line 56 \n\t called trace_error_handler_test')
def test_singleton_metaclass_multiple_init():
Test that a class using the Singleton Metaclass is only initialised once despite being called several times and
that the same instance is returned each time..
# GIVEN: The Singleton Metaclass and a test class using it
class SingletonClass(metaclass=Singleton):
def __init__(self):
with patch.object(SingletonClass, '__init__', return_value=None) as patched_init:
# WHEN: Initialising the class multiple times
inst_1 = SingletonClass()
inst_2 = SingletonClass()
# THEN: The __init__ method of the SingletonClass should have only been called once, and both returned values
# should be the same instance.
assert inst_1 is inst_2
assert patched_init.call_count == 1
def test_singleton_metaclass_multiple_classes():
Test that multiple classes using the Singleton Metaclass return the different an appropriate instances.
# GIVEN: Two different classes using the Singleton Metaclass
class SingletonClass1(metaclass=Singleton):
def __init__(self):
class SingletonClass2(metaclass=Singleton):
def __init__(self):
# WHEN: Initialising both classes
s_c1 = SingletonClass1()
s_c2 = SingletonClass2()
# THEN: The instances should be an instance of the appropriate class
assert isinstance(s_c1, SingletonClass1)
assert isinstance(s_c2, SingletonClass2)
def test_is_win():
Test the is_win() function
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects
with patch('openlp.core.common.os') as mocked_os, patch('openlp.core.common.sys') as mocked_sys:
# WHEN: The mocked and sys.platform are set to 'nt' and 'win32' repectivly = 'nt'
mocked_sys.platform = 'win32'
# THEN: The three platform functions should perform properly
assert is_win() is True, 'is_win() should return True'
assert is_macosx() is False, 'is_macosx() should return False'
assert is_linux() is False, 'is_linux() should return False'
def test_is_macosx():
Test the is_macosx() function
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects
with patch('openlp.core.common.os') as mocked_os, patch('openlp.core.common.sys') as mocked_sys:
# WHEN: The mocked and sys.platform are set to 'posix' and 'darwin' repectivly = 'posix'
mocked_sys.platform = 'darwin'
# THEN: The three platform functions should perform properly
assert is_macosx() is True, 'is_macosx() should return True'
assert is_win() is False, 'is_win() should return False'
assert is_linux() is False, 'is_linux() should return False'
def test_is_linux():
Test the is_linux() function
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects
with patch('openlp.core.common.os') as mocked_os, patch('openlp.core.common.sys') as mocked_sys:
# WHEN: The mocked and sys.platform are set to 'posix' and 'linux3' repectively = 'posix'
mocked_sys.platform = 'linux3'
# THEN: The three platform functions should perform properly
assert is_linux() is True, 'is_linux() should return True'
assert is_win() is False, 'is_win() should return False'
assert is_macosx() is False, 'is_macosx() should return False'
@skipUnless(is_linux(), 'This can only run on Linux')
def test_is_linux_distro():
Test the is_linux() function for a particular Linux distribution
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects
with patch('openlp.core.common.os') as mocked_os, \
patch('openlp.core.common.sys') as mocked_sys, \
patch('openlp.core.common.distro_id') as mocked_distro_id:
# WHEN: The mocked and sys.platform are set to 'posix' and 'linux3' repectively
# and the distro is Fedora = 'posix'
mocked_sys.platform = 'linux3'
mocked_distro_id.return_value = 'fedora'
# THEN: The three platform functions should perform properly
assert is_linux(distro='fedora') is True, 'is_linux(distro="fedora") should return True'
assert is_win() is False, 'is_win() should return False'
assert is_macosx() is False, 'is_macosx() should return False'
def test_is_64bit_instance():
Test the is_64bit_instance() function
# GIVEN: Mocked out objects
with patch('openlp.core.common.sys') as mocked_sys:
# WHEN: The mocked sys.maxsize is set to 32-bit
mocked_sys.maxsize = 2**32
# THEN: The result should be False
assert is_64bit_instance() is False, 'is_64bit_instance() should return False'
def test_normalize_str_leaves_newlines():
# GIVEN: a string containing newlines
string = 'something\nelse'
# WHEN: normalize is called
normalized_string = normalize_str(string)
# THEN: string is unchanged
assert normalized_string == string
def test_normalize_str_removes_null_byte():
# GIVEN: a string containing a null byte
string = 'somet\x00hing'
# WHEN: normalize is called
normalized_string = normalize_str(string)
# THEN: nullbyte is removed
assert normalized_string == 'something'
def test_normalize_str_replaces_crlf_with_lf():
# GIVEN: a string containing crlf
string = 'something\r\nelse'
# WHEN: normalize is called
normalized_string = normalize_str(string)
# THEN: crlf is replaced with lf
assert normalized_string == 'something\nelse'
def test_clean_button_text():
Test the clean_button_text() function.
# GIVEN: Button text
input_text = '&Next >'
expected_text = 'Next'
# WHEN: The button caption is sent through the clean_button_text function
actual_text = clean_button_text(input_text)
# THEN: The text should have been cleaned
assert expected_text == actual_text, 'The text should be clean'
def test_ip4_loopback_valid():
Test IPv4 loopbackvalid
# WHEN: Test with a local loopback test
valid = verify_ip_address(addr=ip4_loopback)
# THEN: Verify we received True
assert valid, 'IPv4 loopback address should have been valid'
def test_ip4_local_valid():
Test IPv4 local valid
# WHEN: Test with a local loopback test
valid = verify_ip_address(addr=ip4_local)
# THEN: Verify we received True
assert valid is True, 'IPv4 local address should have been valid'
def test_ip4_broadcast_valid():
Test IPv4 broadcast valid
# WHEN: Test with a local loopback test
valid = verify_ip_address(addr=ip4_broadcast)
# THEN: Verify we received True
assert valid is True, 'IPv4 broadcast address should have been valid'
def test_ip4_address_invalid():
Test IPv4 address invalid
# WHEN: Test with a local loopback test
valid = verify_ip_address(addr=ip4_bad)
# THEN: Verify we received True
assert valid is False, 'Bad IPv4 address should not have been valid'
def test_ip6_loopback_valid():
Test IPv6 loopback valid
# WHEN: Test IPv6 loopback address
valid = verify_ip_address(addr=ip6_loopback)
# THEN: Validate return
assert valid is True, 'IPv6 loopback address should have been valid'
def test_ip6_local_valid():
Test IPv6 link-local valid
# WHEN: Test IPv6 link-local address
valid = verify_ip_address(addr=ip6_link_local)
# THEN: Validate return
assert valid is True, 'IPv6 link-local address should have been valid'
def test_ip6_address_invalid():
Test NetworkUtils IPv6 address invalid
# WHEN: Given an invalid IPv6 address
valid = verify_ip_address(addr=ip6_bad)
# THEN: Validate bad return
assert valid is False, 'IPv6 bad address should have been invalid'
def test_sha256_file_hash():
Test SHA256 file hash
# GIVEN: A mocked Path object
2021-04-24 16:55:38 +00:00
ppt_path = os.path.join(TEST_RESOURCES_PATH, 'presentations', 'test.ppt')
filename = Path(ppt_path)
# WHEN: Given a known salt+data
result = sha256_file_hash(filename)
# THEN: Validate return has is same
assert result == 'be6d7bdca25d1662d7faa1f856bfc224646dbad3b65ebff800d9ae70537968f9'
def test_sha256_file_hash_no_exist():
Test SHA256 file hash when the file doesn't exist
# GIVEN: A mocked Path object
mocked_path = MagicMock()
mocked_path.exists.return_value = False
# WHEN: Given a known salt+data
result = sha256_file_hash(mocked_path)
# THEN: Validate return has is same
assert result is None
def test_md5_hash():
Test MD5 hash from salt+data pass (python)
# WHEN: Given a known salt+data
hash_ = md5_hash(salt=TEST_SALT.encode('utf-8'), data=TEST_PIN.encode('utf-8'))
# THEN: Validate return has is same
assert hash_ == TEST_HASH, 'MD5 should have returned a good hash'
def test_md5_hash_no_salt_data():
Test MD5 hash with no salt or data (Python)
# WHEN: Given a known salt+data
hash_ = md5_hash(None, None)
# THEN: Validate return has is same
assert hash_ is None, 'MD5 should have returned None'
def test_md5_hash_bad():
Test MD5 hash from salt+data fail (python)
# WHEN: Given a different salt+hash
hash_ = md5_hash(salt=TEST_PIN.encode('utf-8'), data=TEST_SALT.encode('utf-8'))
# THEN: return data is different
assert hash_ is not TEST_HASH, 'MD5 should have returned a bad hash'
def test_qmd5_hash():
Test MD5 hash from salt+data pass (Qt)
# WHEN: Given a known salt+data
hash_ = qmd5_hash(salt=TEST_SALT.encode('utf-8'), data=TEST_PIN.encode('utf-8'))
# THEN: Validate return has is same
assert hash_ == TEST_HASH, 'Qt-MD5 should have returned a good hash'
def test_qmd5_hash_no_salt_data():
Test MD5 hash with no salt or data (Qt)
# WHEN: Given a known salt+data
hash_ = qmd5_hash(None, None)
# THEN: Validate return has is same
assert hash_ is None, 'Qt-MD5 should have returned None'
def test_qmd5_hash_bad():
Test MD5 hash from salt+hash fail (Qt)
# WHEN: Given a different salt+hash
hash_ = qmd5_hash(salt=TEST_PIN.encode('utf-8'), data=TEST_SALT.encode('utf-8'))
# THEN: return data is different
assert hash_ is not TEST_HASH, 'Qt-MD5 should have returned a bad hash'
def test_md5_non_ascii_string():
Test MD5 hash with non-ascii string - bug 1417809
# WHEN: Non-ascii string is hashed
hash_ = md5_hash(salt=test_non_ascii_string.encode('utf-8'), data=None)
# THEN: Valid MD5 hash should be returned
assert hash_ == test_non_ascii_hash, 'MD5 should have returned a valid hash'
def test_qmd5_non_ascii_string():
Test MD5 hash with non-ascii string - bug 1417809
# WHEN: Non-ascii string is hashed
hash_ = md5_hash(data=test_non_ascii_string.encode('utf-8'))
# THEN: Valid MD5 hash should be returned
assert hash_ == test_non_ascii_hash, 'Qt-MD5 should have returned a valid hash'
def test_add_actions_empty_list():
Test that no actions are added when the list is empty
# GIVEN: a mocked action list, and an empty list
mocked_target = MagicMock()
empty_list = []
# WHEN: The empty list is added to the mocked target
add_actions(mocked_target, empty_list)
# THEN: The add method on the mocked target is never called
assert mocked_target.addSeparator.call_count == 0, 'addSeparator method should not have been called'
assert mocked_target.addAction.call_count == 0, 'addAction method should not have been called'
def test_add_actions_none_action():
Test that a separator is added when a None action is in the list
# GIVEN: a mocked action list, and a list with None in it
mocked_target = MagicMock()
separator_list = [None]
# WHEN: The list is added to the mocked target
add_actions(mocked_target, separator_list)
# THEN: The addSeparator method is called, but the addAction method is never called
assert mocked_target.addAction.call_count == 0, 'addAction method should not have been called'
def test_add_actions_add_action():
Test that an action is added when a valid action is in the list
# GIVEN: a mocked action list, and a list with an action in it
mocked_target = MagicMock()
action_list = ['action']
# WHEN: The list is added to the mocked target
add_actions(mocked_target, action_list)
# THEN: The addSeparator method is not called, and the addAction method is called
assert mocked_target.addSeparator.call_count == 0, 'addSeparator method should not have been called'
def test_add_actions_action_and_none():
Test that an action and a separator are added when a valid action and None are in the list
# GIVEN: a mocked action list, and a list with an action and None in it
mocked_target = MagicMock()
action_list = ['action', None]
# WHEN: The list is added to the mocked target
add_actions(mocked_target, action_list)
# THEN: The addSeparator method is called, and the addAction method is called
def test_get_uno_instance_pipe():
Test that when the UNO connection type is "pipe" the resolver is given the "pipe" URI
# GIVEN: A mock resolver object and UNO_CONNECTION_TYPE is "pipe"
mock_resolver = MagicMock()
# WHEN: get_uno_instance() is called
# THEN: the resolve method is called with the correct argument
def test_get_uno_instance_socket():
Test that when the UNO connection type is other than "pipe" the resolver is given the "socket" URI
# GIVEN: A mock resolver object and UNO_CONNECTION_TYPE is "socket"
mock_resolver = MagicMock()
# WHEN: get_uno_instance() is called
get_uno_instance(mock_resolver, 'socket')
# THEN: the resolve method is called with the correct argument
def test_get_uno_command_libreoffice_command_exists():
Test the ``get_uno_command`` function uses the libreoffice command when available.
# GIVEN: A patched 'which' method which returns a path when called with 'libreoffice'
with patch('openlp.core.common.which',
**{'side_effect': lambda command: {'libreoffice': '/usr/bin/libreoffice'}[command]}):
# WHEN: Calling get_uno_command
result = get_uno_command()
# THEN: The command 'libreoffice' should be called with the appropriate parameters
assert result == 'libreoffice --nologo --norestore --minimized --nodefault --nofirststartwizard' \
' "--accept=pipe,name=openlp_pipe;urp;"'
def test_get_uno_command_only_soffice_command_exists():
Test the ``get_uno_command`` function uses the soffice command when the libreoffice command is not available.
# GIVEN: A patched 'which' method which returns None when called with 'libreoffice' and a path when called with
# 'soffice'
with patch('openlp.core.common.which',
**{'side_effect': lambda command: {'libreoffice': None, 'soffice': '/usr/bin/soffice'}[
# WHEN: Calling get_uno_command
result = get_uno_command()
# THEN: The command 'soffice' should be called with the appropriate parameters
assert result == 'soffice --nologo --norestore --minimized --nodefault --nofirststartwizard' \
' "--accept=pipe,name=openlp_pipe;urp;"'
def test_get_uno_command_when_no_command_exists():
Test the ``get_uno_command`` function raises an FileNotFoundError when neither the libreoffice or soffice
commands are available.
# GIVEN: A patched 'which' method which returns None
with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError), \
patch('openlp.core.common.which', **{'return_value': None}):
# WHEN: Calling get_uno_command
# THEN: a FileNotFoundError exception should be raised
def test_get_uno_command_connection_type():
Test the ``get_uno_command`` function when the connection type is anything other than pipe.
# GIVEN: A patched 'which' method which returns 'libreoffice'
with patch('openlp.core.common.which', **{'return_value': 'libreoffice'}):
# WHEN: Calling get_uno_command with a connection type other than pipe
result = get_uno_command('socket')
# THEN: The connection parameters should be set for socket
assert result == 'libreoffice --nologo --norestore --minimized --nodefault --nofirststartwizard' \
' "--accept=socket,host=localhost,port=2002;urp;"'
def test_get_filesystem_encoding_sys_function_not_called():
Test the get_filesystem_encoding() function does not call the sys.getdefaultencoding() function
# GIVEN: sys.getfilesystemencoding returns "cp1252"
with patch('openlp.core.common.sys.getfilesystemencoding') as mocked_getfilesystemencoding, \
patch('openlp.core.common.sys.getdefaultencoding') as mocked_getdefaultencoding:
mocked_getfilesystemencoding.return_value = 'cp1252'
# WHEN: get_filesystem_encoding() is called
result = get_filesystem_encoding()
# THEN: getdefaultencoding should have been called
assert mocked_getdefaultencoding.called == 0, 'getdefaultencoding should not have been called'
assert 'cp1252' == result, 'The result should be "cp1252"'
def test_get_filesystem_encoding_sys_function_is_called():
Test the get_filesystem_encoding() function calls the sys.getdefaultencoding() function
# GIVEN: sys.getfilesystemencoding returns None and sys.getdefaultencoding returns "utf-8"
with patch('openlp.core.common.sys.getfilesystemencoding') as mocked_getfilesystemencoding, \
patch('openlp.core.common.sys.getdefaultencoding') as mocked_getdefaultencoding:
mocked_getfilesystemencoding.return_value = None
mocked_getdefaultencoding.return_value = 'utf-8'
# WHEN: get_filesystem_encoding() is called
result = get_filesystem_encoding()
# THEN: getdefaultencoding should have been called
assert 'utf-8' == result, 'The result should be "utf-8"'
def test_clean_filename():
Test the clean_filename() function
# GIVEN: A invalid file name and the valid file name.
invalid_name = 'A_file_with_invalid_characters_[\\/:*?"<>|+[]%].py'
wanted_name = ''
# WHEN: Clean the name.
result = clean_filename(invalid_name)
# THEN: The file name should be cleaned.
assert wanted_name == result, 'The file name should not contain any special characters.'
def test_delete_file_no_path():
Test the delete_file function when called with out a valid path
# GIVEN: A blank path
# WEHN: Calling delete_file
result = delete_file(None)
# THEN: delete_file should return False
assert result is False, "delete_file should return False when called with None"
def test_delete_file_path_success():
Test the delete_file function when it successfully deletes a file
# GIVEN: A mocked os which returns True when os.path.exists is called
with patch('openlp.core.common.os', **{'path.exists.return_value': False}):
# WHEN: Calling delete_file with a file path
result = delete_file(Path('path', 'file.ext'))
# THEN: delete_file should return True
assert result is True, 'delete_file should return True when it successfully deletes a file'
def test_delete_file_path_no_file_exists():
Test the `delete_file` function when the file to remove does not exist
# GIVEN: A patched `exists` methods on the Path object, which returns False
with patch.object(Path, 'exists', return_value=False), \
patch.object(Path, 'unlink') as mocked_unlink:
# WHEN: Calling `delete_file with` a file path
result = delete_file(Path('path', 'file.ext'))
# THEN: The function should not attempt to delete the file and it should return True
assert mocked_unlink.called is False
assert result is True, 'delete_file should return True when the file doesnt exist'
def test_delete_file_path_exception():
Test the delete_file function when an exception is raised
# GIVEN: A test `Path` object with a patched exists method which raises an OSError
# called.
with patch.object(Path, 'exists') as mocked_exists, \
patch('openlp.core.common.log') as mocked_log:
mocked_exists.side_effect = OSError
# WHEN: Calling delete_file with a the test Path object
result = delete_file(Path('path', 'file.ext'))
# THEN: The exception should be logged and `delete_file` should return False
assert mocked_log.exception.called
assert result is False, 'delete_file should return False when an OSError is raised'
def test_get_file_encoding_done():
Test get_file_encoding when the detector sets done to True
# GIVEN: A mocked UniversalDetector instance with done attribute set to True after first iteration
with patch('openlp.core.common.UniversalDetector') as mocked_universal_detector, \
patch.object(Path, 'open', return_value=BytesIO(b'data' * 260)) as mocked_open:
encoding_result = {'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'confidence': 0.99}
mocked_universal_detector_inst = MagicMock(**{'close.return_value': encoding_result})
type(mocked_universal_detector_inst).done = PropertyMock(side_effect=[False, True])
mocked_universal_detector.return_value = mocked_universal_detector_inst
# WHEN: Calling get_file_encoding
result = get_file_encoding(Path('file name'))
# THEN: The feed method of UniversalDetector should only br called once before returning a result
assert mocked_universal_detector_inst.feed.mock_calls == [call(b'data' * 256)]
assert result == 'UTF-8'
def test_get_file_encoding_eof():
Test get_file_encoding when the end of the file is reached
# GIVEN: A mocked UniversalDetector instance which isn't set to done and a mocked open, with 1040 bytes of test
# data (enough to run the iterator twice)
with patch('openlp.core.common.UniversalDetector') as mocked_universal_detector, \
patch.object(Path, 'open', return_value=BytesIO(b'data' * 260)) as mocked_open:
encoding_result = {'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'confidence': 0.99}
mocked_universal_detector_inst = MagicMock(mock=mocked_universal_detector,
**{'done': False, 'close.return_value': encoding_result})
mocked_universal_detector.return_value = mocked_universal_detector_inst
# WHEN: Calling get_file_encoding
result = get_file_encoding(Path('file name'))
# THEN: The feed method of UniversalDetector should have been called twice before returning a result
assert mocked_universal_detector_inst.feed.mock_calls == [call(b'data' * 256), call(b'data' * 4)]
assert result == 'UTF-8'
def test_get_file_encoding_oserror():
Test get_file_encoding when the end of the file is reached
# GIVEN: A mocked UniversalDetector instance which isn't set to done and a mocked open, with 1040 bytes of test
# data (enough to run the iterator twice)
with patch('openlp.core.common.UniversalDetector') as mocked_universal_detector, \
patch('', side_effect=OSError), \
patch('openlp.core.common.log') as mocked_log:
encoding_result = {'encoding': 'UTF-8', 'confidence': 0.99}
mocked_universal_detector_inst = MagicMock(mock=mocked_universal_detector,
**{'done': False, 'close.return_value': encoding_result})
mocked_universal_detector.return_value = mocked_universal_detector_inst
# WHEN: Calling get_file_encoding
result = get_file_encoding(Path('file name'))
# THEN: log.exception should be called and get_file_encoding should return None
mocked_log.exception.assert_called_once_with('Error detecting file encoding')
assert result == 'UTF-8'