Added "Must have bibles" condition for other error messages in combined search.
To do:
Add a setting for controlling visibility of the no results error, it may be of annoyance.
Refactored the code for combined search.
- Added: def on_quick_reference_search(self): and moved definition of reference search there.
- Added: def on_quick_text_search(self): and moved definition of text search there.
- Removed some un-needed code duplicates (Double finalizing, 3rd normalizing of mouse cursor)
- Searching scripture ref with shorter than 3 char search is now possible (G1 = Genesis 1)
Also removed “Search” from “Search Text or Reference…” since it does not fit the box properly.
- Checkbox appears in advanced settings tab.
- When enabled, items will be sent to preview when clicked in service manager, but NOT if double-clicked.
bzr-revno: 2629
- Min. search lenght no longer counts spaces.
- Bolded part of "Empty or too short" error message
- Modified some comments
To do:
- Write tests
Optional fixes that are not yet done/may not be done.
- Listing search results when typing for Text search
- Replace '. ' with ' ' in Reference search, so for an example Gen. 1 works
- Modified related error messages
To do:
- Write tests
Optional fixes that are not yet done/may not be done.
- Block spaces + single character combos since they kind of break the search.
- Listing search results when typing for Text search
- Added: self.application.set_normal_cursor() to "Web bible" and "no search results" for combined.
To do:
- Write tests
Optional fixes that are not yet done/may not be done.
- Ignore '.' in Reference search for smoother searching experience + Remove mention about it in error and add ending to
- Block spaces + single character combos since they kind of break the search.
- Listing search results when typing for Text search
- Fixed (packed) the new icon
- Improved some error messages
To do
- Write tests
Possible other changes/features that may be added later.
- Ignore '.' in Reference search for smoother searching experience
- Block spaces + single character combos since they kind of break the search.
- Listing search results when typing for Text search
- Fix for some dual triggering errors.
- Searches with only spaces now trigger error since they make OLP unresponsive and may crash
- Removed old "Empty" search message, integrated it to the new one.
- Added some comments
- Remodelled/Added nice error messages + needed code to support it
- Fixed the issue where Bible book name prediction comes for pure Text search.
- Fixed "No passage found" in 2nd bible by using self.main_window.information_message
To DO:
- If web bible is enabled combined text search triggers double error, fix it.
- Pack the new icon
- Double check spelling etc...
- Write tests
- Added text prediction for book names
- New script for reference_combined
- Also on previous: Added mininium search lengt of 3 characters for text to prevent short keywords from crashing OLP.
- Added new icon to code but still using reference icon since it requires packing in order to work.
To DO:
a) New icon, pack it | How?
b) Added stupid error message if nothing is found, make it less stupid.
c) Add example verses to "Reference not found" error. ( and Use this as base for b)
d) Possibly work on text prediction for Text based search but probably leave it for an another branch.