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It's difficult to tell just how popular an open source project is, but with OpenLP's Facebook following growing it seems safe to say that OpenLP's popularity is also growing. Version 2.0 is really starting to look like a mature finished product. The recent release of the first beta has been very positive. We are now suggesting that all new users start out with 2.0 Beta 1, since support has now officially ended for the 1.x series and 2.0 has reached a very stable point in its development.

The OpenLP community is constantly growing and changing. We can always use an extra hand as OpenLP is a large project. We could especially use assistance writing the documentation for version 2.0. The developers are working hard to make sure that OpenLP is not just an alternative to commercial software but that it is a superior option. Part of being a superior product is having great documentation and support. If you are like me and not a programmer but would like to help out, maybe assisting with documentation is a place you can help out. If documentation is not for you, but you are good at helping others we can always use help answering questions in the forums or providing support in IRC.

Since I am someone whose church has been blessed by the developers of OpenLP I would like to also take a moment to thank them for their hard work and dedication. It is rare, even in the Christian world, for a group of people to set out to do something with no hope of physical or monetary reward. The developers of OpenLP truly are doing this by making this product available to all and asking nothing in return.  As we enter the Easter season may we all be more like this and ultimately learn from Christ selflessness as he gave himself for us who did not deserve it.

5But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5, ESV